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LCC index
Education Officer's Department - Note : The names of those
who died while on active service are marked *
Central Administrative Staff (S - Y)
Sargent, Alfred George (1914-19) ; Private, 14th Battalion London Regiment ;
France 11 months.
Scowcroft, James (1916-17) : Rifleman, 16th Battalion London Regiment ; France 3
months ; Killed in action, 14th April, 1917.
Selley, Frank Oliver (1918-19) ; Signaller, R.F.A.
Shanly, Augustus Bernard (1916-19); Sergeant, R.A.F. ; France 2 years 3 months.
Shapcott, Stanley Thiele (1914-15); Private, Seaforth Highlanders.
Sharp, Thomas (1917-18); Aircraftman (1st Class), R.A.F.
Sharpen, Harold Alfred (1916-19); Sergeant, R.G.A. ; France 8 months.
Shaw, Albert Edward (1914-19); Company Quartermaster-Sergeant, R.E.
Sheehan, James (1916); Rifleman, London Regiment : France 2 months.
Sheridan, Patrick Joseph Malone (1916-19) ; Mentioned in despatches ; Staff-Sergeant,
R.F.A. and Intelligence Corps ; France 18 months.
Sherrill, Percy William (1916-19); Private, R.A.M.C. (MT.) ; France and East
Prussian Expedition, 2 years 8 months.
Sherwood, Harry (1916-19) ; Lieutenant, R.G.A. ; France 7 months.
Shiach, George William (1914-19); Private, London Regiment, France 6 months.
Simpson, Sydney (1914-19); M.M. ; Sergeant, London Regiment ; France 4 years 4
Sisley, George Owen (1915-19) ; Private, London Regiment ; France 3 years.
Skinner, Maurice Sidney (1915-19); Private, London Regiment and R.A.F.
Snelgar, John Thomas (1914-19); M.B.E. (Military), Mentioned in despatches ;
Captain, Wiltshire Regiment : France 13 months, Mesopotamia 2 years 3 months,
lndia 5 months.
Spratt, William Richard (1915-19) ; Staff Sergeant Major, R.A.S.C. ; Balkans 3
years 1 month.
*Stevens, Albert Ernest (1914-16); Lance-Corporal, London Regiment; France 6
weeks ; Killed in action, 3rd August, 1916.
Stock, William Frederick (1915-19) ; Sergeant, R.A.V.C. ; Egypt 3 years 1 month
; Salonica 2 nionths.
*Stokes, John Hill (1914-15); M.C. ; Captain. R. W. Kent Regiment, attached R.
Berkshire Regiment : France 5 months ; Died of wounds. 22nd March, 1915.
Stone, John (1915-19); Captain and Quartermaster, R A.M.C. ; France 3 years,
Italy 3 months.
Stow, Alfred Thomas (1914-19); Corporal, Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light
Infantry and Labour Corps ; France 1 year 8 months.
Sturgess, Jesse Edwin (1914-19); Corporal Middlesex Regiment, Labour Corps and
A.P.C. ; Gibraltar 7 months, Egypt 6 months, France 7 months.
Sullivan, Patrick (1916-19); Private, R. W. Surrey and Bedfordshire Regiments,
and Labour Corps.
* Summers, Robert Rendel (1911-17); Corporal, Honourable Artillery Company;
France 4 months ; Missing, 3rd May, 1917.
* Swanson, Ernest (1911-17); Sergeant, Middlesex Regiment and 5th Battalion London
Regiment ; Gibraltar 6 months, Egypt 8 months, France 15 months ; Killed in
action, 16th August, 1917.
Tate, Harry Fleetwood (1914-16); Private, East Surrey Regiment.
Taylor, George William (1915-19); Staff-Sergeant, Essex Regiment (attached
Eastern Command Anti-Gas School).
*Taylor, Percy James (1916); Private, London Regiment ; Died, 13th December,
Thomas, Conrad Robert (1914-19);. Sec.-Lieutenant, R. Welch Fusiliers and
Somersetshire Light Infantry ; France 2 years 5 months.
Thompson, Percy (1914-16) ; Company Sergeant-Major, S. Staffordshire Regiment;
France 9 months.
Thompson, William Sturdy (1918-19) ; Aircraftsman (2ad Class), K.A.F. ; France 5
Thomsett, George William (1911-19); Chief Mechanic, R.A.F. (Motor Boat Section)
; Sea service 2 years, Italy 15 months.
Thorp, Sidney Armer (1915-19) ; Mentioned in despatches ; Lientenant, R..V.S.C.
; Salonica 7 months. Egyptian Expeditionary Force 3 years 5 months.
*Thorpe, Thomas Vaughan (1915-17) ; Private, Kent Cyclist Battalion, and East.
Kent Regiment; France 5 months ; Missing, 3rd May, 1917.
Thurston, Walter (1915-19); Private, Royal Fusiliers ; France 1 year.
Tibble, Albert Montague (1915-19); Sergeant , R.A.V.C.
Toole, Joseph Edward James (1916-19) ; Corporal, London and R. W. Surrey
Regiments, and Labour Corps.
Topping, Charles John Hill (1915-19); M.S.M. ; Stair Sergeant Major, R.A.S.C. ;
France 2 years 8 months.
Tripp, Cecil Lewis (1917-19) ; Private, R.A.S.C. ; France 1 year 7 months.
Tucker, Harry Castledine (1916-19) ; Corporal, A.P.C.
Turner. Alfred Ernest (1914-19): Mentioned in despatches : Lieutenant, Middlesex
Regiment and Machine Gun Corps; Gibraltar 6 months, France 2 years, Mesopotamia
18 months, India 6 months.
Turner, George Bailly (1915-19) ; Staff-Sergeant, R.A..M.C. ; France 3 years 6
Turvey, George Sidney (1915-19) ; Sergeant, R.A.V.C.
Tyson, Gilbert Burrows (1916-19) ; Flight-Sergeant, R.A.F.
Vincent, Reginald John (1917-19) ; Aircraftsman (2ud Class), R.N. and R.A.F.
Vinton, William Joseph (1914-19) ; Private, Middlesex Regiment and Machine Gun
Corps ; Gibraltar 6 months. France 1 year 9 months.
Wadey, James Edwin (1915-19) ; Private, R.A.M.C. ; Macedonia 2 years 3 months,
Gallipoli 4 months.
Walker, Frank Wilden (1916-19) : Lance Bombardier, R.F.A. ; France and Germany 14
months, Italy 4 months.
Walker, Simon Robert Wensley (1914-19) ; Lieutenant, London Regiment ; France 14
Walker, Stanley Hone (1915-19); Signaller, R.F.C. and Lancashire Fnsiliers ;
France 2 years 2 months.
Wall, Henry John (1914-18) ; Able Seaman, R. Naval Division ; Antwerp, October,
1914 ; interned in Holland 4 years 1 month.
" Wallington, Albert Walter (1916-19); Russian Silver Medal (St. Stanislaus) ;
Sergeant, R.G.A. ; Russia 2 years 2 months.
Wallis, Hugh Stanley (1914-19) ; Private, 19th Hussars, and York and Lancaster
Regiment ; France 3 years.
Wallis, John Primmer (1916-19); First Writer, R.N. : Sea service, 3rd Battle
Squadron and 7th Light Cruiser Squadron (Grand Fleet), 2 years 3 months.
Warren, Frank Mountain (1914-19); Private, R.A.S.C. (W and M.T.) ; India 3
months, Mesopotamia 1 year 9 months.
Watts, Albert Fred (1916-19) ; Air Mechanic (1st Class), R.A.F. ; France 2 years
3 months.
Watts, Frank Potto (1915-19) ; Corporal, R.A.M.C . ; France 3 years 10 months.
Weightman, Herbert (1914-19); Mentioned in despatches ; Captain, Middlesex
Regiment ; France 1 month, Egypt 1 month, Salonica 2 years 10 months.
Welsh, Laurence (1915-19); Mentioned in despatches ; Staff Quartermaster
Sergeant, R.A.S.C.
Whiddington, John Chilvers Reginald (1916-19) ; Company Sergeant-Major
(Instructor), Corps of the School of Musketry ; France (inspecting), June, 1918.
Whitaker, Fred (1915-19); Lance-Corporal, Army Cyclist Corps, Scottish Rifles,
Royal Scots and A.P.C.
Whitaker, Frederick William (1916-19) ; Leading Aircraftsman, R.A.F. ; France 2
years 3 months.
White, Edwm Charles (1914-19); Captain, R.F.A. ; France 1 year 7 months,
Mesopotamia and Persia 1 year 8 month, India 2 months.
Willoocks, George James (1915-19); M.M. ; Private, R.A.M.C. ; France 2 years 1
Willey, John Charles (1915-19) ; Mentioned in dcspatches ;
(Quartermaster-Sergeant, Corps of the School of Musketry ; France (inspecting),
June, 1918.
Williams, Richard Bonner (1914-19) ; M.M. ; Corporal, London Regiment ; France 2
Willmot, William George (1916-19); Paymaster Sub-Lieutenant, R.N.V.R. ; Sea
service, Northern Patrol, 2 years.
Willson, Frank Edwin (1916-19) ; Private, R.F.A. and Middlesex Regiment ; France
10 months.
Wilson, John Williams (1915-19); Sergeant, R.A.M.C. ; France 8 months, Italy 10
Winter, Charles (1915-19) ; Corporal, R.A.S.C. ; France 3 years 4 months.
Withers, Edward Henry (1915-19) ; Sergeant, R.V.M.C. ; France 1 year 10 months.
Withers, George William (1914-19) ; Sergeant, Bedfordshire Regiment ; France i
Young, William Henry (1914-19); Regimental Sergeant-Major, 14th Battalion London
Regiment ; France 4 months.
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