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LCC index
Public Health Department - Note : The names of those who died
while on active service are marked *
Abrey, Percy Robert (1914-19) ; Private, 12th Battalion London Regiment,
R.A.S.C. ; France 2 years.
*Adams, Cornelius George (1914-17); Private, 6th Battalion London Regiment ;
France 6 months ; Died of wounds, 6th February, 1917.
Ainsworth, David James (1915-19) ; Sec.-Lieutenant, 15th Battalion London
Regiment. R.G.A.; France 12 months, Italy 15 months.
Anderson, John Watson (June-September,1916); Private, Royal Fusiliers ;
(1917-19) ; Labour Corps ; France 12 months.
Armstrong, Richard Robins (1914-19); Private, Honourable Artillery Company, and
Captain. R.A.M.C. ; France 5 months, Gallipoli 5 months, Egypt 3 months,
Mesopotamia 3 years.
Ash, Douglas Victor (1917-19); Private, 6th Battalion South Staffs Regiment ;
France 11 months.
Ash, Frank Walter (1917-19) ; Sergeant, East Surrey Regiment, Labour Corps.
Balmer, Ruth (1918-19) ; O.B.E. ; Hon. Captain, R.A.F., Women's Medical Service.
Barnes, Jesse (1915-19); Corporal, R.A.M.C, R.A.S.C. ; France 1 year 10 months.
Beck, Frank William (1914-19); Sergeant, 2/16th Battalion London Regiment;
France 12 months, Salonica 6 months, Palestine 12 months.
* Belcher, Douglas Charles (1915-18); Lance-Corporal. R.A.M.C. ; Salonica 2
years 1 month, Egypt 3 months; Died, 5th July, 1918.
Bendrey, Henry Bezant (1916-20); Private, 8th (Cyclists) Battalion Essex
Regiment, 10th Battalion R. Scots Regiment ; North Russia 1 year 9 months,
Prisoner of war (Russia) 18 months.
Bennett, Charles Henry (1916-19); Rifleman, 2/l0th Battalion Royal Scots, 12th
Battalion King's Royal Rifle Corps. ; France 2 years 2 months.
Birmingham, Charles Leo (1917-19) ; Captain, R.A.F. (Medical Section).
Blade, Douglas Harold (1915-19); Private, R.A.M.C;. ; France 6 months.
Bolton, Cyril Dodd (1914-19); Mentioned in despatches ; Company Sergeant-Major,
2nd and 29th Battalions, London Regiment ;
Malta 4 1/2 months.
Boome, Edward James (1914-19) ; Mentioned in despatches ; Captain, R.A.M.C. ;
France 4 years 1 month.
Bolting, Beatrice Sarah (1914-19) ; Staff Nurse, T.F.N.S. ; France 1 year 8
Burrows, Cresswell (1914-19); Captain (Acting Major), R.A.M.C. ; France 2 years
9 months.
Butler, William (1915-19) ; Brevet Lieut.-CoIonel, R.A.M.C. ; Egypt and
Palestine 10 months.
Calver, Agnes Eliza Mary (1914-18); Sister, T.F.N.S. ; France 17 months.
Cazalet, Charlotte Travers (1914-19) ; Sister, T.F.N.S. ; France 2 years 1
Chater. Eric (1914-19); Lieutenant, Machine Gun Corps; France 3 months;
Mesopotamia 18 months.
Clark. Harold Francis (1914-19) ; Sergeant, 2/10th Battalion Middlesex Regiment;
Gallipoli 41 months, Palestine 2 years, Egypt 1 year 7 months.
Clarke, Ellen Josephine (1915-17); Sister, T.F.N.S.
*Clarke James Alfred (1916) ; Rifleman Rifle Brigade ; France 1 month ; Killed
in action, 15th September, 1916.
Clarkson. Frances Mary Annette (1915-19) ; Staff Nurse, Q.A.I.M.N.S.R. ;
Salonica 1 year 9 months, Egypt 3 months, Italy 15 months.
Cooper, Samuel Douglas (1914-19); Lieutenant, 1st County of London Yeomanry,
R.F.A., and Trench Mortar Battery ; France 6 months.
Coppin, Dorothy Elsie (1915-19): (1) Medaille d'honneur (silver), (2) Medaille
de la Reconnaisance Francaise (silver), two citations. (3) L'Insigne des Blesse-s.
(4) L'Insigne special (in gold) ; Sister in Charge of Surgical Service, Hospital
22, French Army Nursing Service, Croix Rouge Frangaise, Comite Britannique (36th
Corps) ; France 4 years.
Cowell, Eva Victoria (1916-19); Mentioned in despatches ; Sister, attached
Southwark Military Hospital.
*Cripps, Arthur David (1916-18) ; Gunner, 180th Heavy Battery R.G.A. ; Salonica,
1 year 10 months, Italy 1 month; Died, 17th December, 1918.
Crookshank. Francis Graham (1914-19) ; Captain, Croix Rouge Francaise, R.A.M.C,
France 1 year 10 months.
Crowe, Margaret Mary (1915-17) ; Staff Nurse, T.F.N.S.
Daly, Daniel (1916-18); Private, 4th Battalion; Royal Fusiliers ; France 6
Downing, Rosetta Bessie (1914-19); Sister, T.F.N.S. ; France 15 months, Malta 10
Dunn, Amelia Ellen (1915-17); Staff Sister, T.F.N.Y.
Eccles, Oreste (1918-19); Lieutenant, R.A.M.C.
Fairfield, Josephine Letitia Denny (1917-20); CBE, Honorary Lieutenant-Colonel,
R.A.M.C. attached, W.A.A.C, W.R.A.F.
Fisher, Samuel Sidney (1915-18) ; Rifleman, Rifle Brigade ; France 1 year 11
Flack, Gordon Ernest (1916-19) ; Mentioned in Air Force List for valuable
service rendered ; Leading Aircraftsman,
R.A.F. 6th Wing, H.Q.
Forbes, James Graham (1916—19); Mentioned in despatches ; Captain, R.A.M.C. ;
Macedonia 2 years.
Fowler, Thomas Edward (1915-19) ; Sergeant R.A.M.C. R.A.S.C. ; Salonica 2 years
10 months.
Fry, Francis Edward (1915-19) ; Sergeant, R.A.M.C. ; Macedonia and Turkey 3
years 2 months.
Goldwater, Leopold (1914-19); Twice mentioned in despatches ; Private, 2/ 15th
Battalion London Regiment ; Egypt and Palestine 2 years 4 months.
Griffin, Zoe (1914-18) ; Staff Nurse, T.F.N.S.
Hale, Amy Marion (1914-19); Mentioned in despatches ; Sister, T.F.N S.
Hanson, Helen Beatrice (1914-15 and 1916-20) ; Order of St. Sava (4th class) and
Serbian Red Cross ; Hon. Captain, R.A.M.C. ; Belgian and French Red Cross
Societies, Antwerp, 1 mouth, France 5 months, Serbia 6 months, Malta 12 months.
Salonica 1 year 8 months, Turkey 13 months.
Harrington, William Jack (1914-19) ; Private, 1st City of London Sanitary Co.,
R.A.M.C. ; France 4 years 1 month.
Higgs, Frederick William (1914-19); C.B.E. (Mil.), three times mentioned in despatches; Lieut.-Colonel, R.A.M.C; France 2 years 9 months.
High, Albert Walter (1914-19) ; Sergeant, 2/6th Battalion K. Surrey Regiment,
Holland, Frank (1917-19); Private, 16th Battalion York and Lancaster Regiment
* Hughes, John Edward (1914-17); Sergeant, 1st County of London Yeomanry, 12th
Battalion Royal Fusiliers ; France 9 months; Killed in action, 16th June, 1917.
Huntley, Ernest Edward (1914-19) ; M.M.; Corporal, Grenadier Guards ; France 3
years 9 months.
Jones, William Edward (1914-18); Sergeant, R.H.A. and R.F.A. ; France 6 months,
Macedonia 2 years 4 months.
Kerr, James (1917); Major, R.A.M.C.
Keville, Stanley Charles (1911-19); Corporal, 1st County of London Yeomanry;
Gallipoli, Egypt and Palestine 4 years.
Kirby, Bernard Burrows (1915-19) ; M.C., mentioned in despatches ; Captain, 12th
Battalion Gloucestershire Regiment ; France 2 years 8 months, Italy 5 months.
Langmead, Frederick Samuel (1917-19); Major, R.A.M.C.; .Saloniea 18 months.
Layton, Annie Gertrude (1914-19); Sister, T.F.N.S. ; France 3 years 8 months.
Lea, Edmund Thomas Howard (1914-20); R.A.M.C;. ; India and Mesopotamia 4 years 4
Leach, Rosemary (1914-15); Nurse, T.F.N.S. ; France 3 months.
Lewis, Harold James (1915-19) ; Private, R.A.M.C, and Sec.- Lieutenant, R.G.A. ;
France 2 years 8 months.
Low, Christina (1914-19); Staff Nurse, B.R.C.S., Q.A.I.M.N.S.R. ; France 4 years
1 month.
Lush, Rowena Jeans (1914-19); Royal Red Cross ; Sister, T.F.N.S. ; France 2
McCallum, Rosa Helen (1915-19) ; Royal Red Cross, Mentioned in despatches;
Sister, T.F.N.S.
Macewen, William (1911-19); Captain, R.A.M.C ; Malta 4 months, France 2 years 9
McHattie, Thomas John Tyndale (1914-19) ; Major, R.A.M.C ; Franco 2 years 11
McIlwrath, Mary Jane Agnes (1915-19) ; Mentioned in despatches ; Sister,
T.F.N.S.; Salonica 15 months, Italy 13 months.
*McMillan, Robert Alfred (1914-16); Private, 15th Bn. London Regiment ; France
12 months ; Wounded and missing, 7th October, 1916.
McVail, Elizabeth Maud (1918-19) : Hon. Major, R..V.F. (Medical Service).
Marris, Henry Fairley (1914-19); Mentioned in despatches ; Major, R.A.M.C.
Marsland, Hilda (1914-19); Mentioned in despatches ; Sister, T.F.N.S. ; France
12 months.
Mason, Beatrice Burgess (1915-19) ; Sister, T.F.N.S.
Mayman, Amy Gertrude (1914-l8) ; Staff Nurse, T.F.N.S.
Mayo, Louis Frederick (1914-15) ; Lance-Corporal. 6th Battalion Gordon
Highlanders ; France 2 months.
Mercer, Ellen Eliza (1914-19) ; Sister-in-Charge, T.F.N.S.
Montague, Lilian Anne (1915-17) ; Staff Nurse, Q.A.I.M.N.S;R ; France 11
months, H.M. Hospital Ship Asturias 10 months.
Morrish, William John (1916-17); Lieutenant, R.A.M.C. : Salonica 10 months.
Morton, Edward John (1915-18); Captain, R.A.M.C.
Mossman, Florence Mary (1914-19) ; Staff Nurse, T.F.N.S.
Mulcahy, Timothy (1916-20); Lance-Corporal, R.A.S.C ; Turkey 8 months.
Murray, Laura (1915-18); Sister, Q.A.I..M.N.S.R. ; Salonica 2 years.
O'Connell, Kathleen (1915-19); Royal Red Cross ; Sister, Brook War Hospital,
Orme, Archibald George (1916-19) ; Sergeant, R.F.A. and R.G.A.
Orr. Robina Moonie (1914-19); Royal Red cross ; Sister-in-Charge, T.F.N.S.
Osborn, William James (1915-19) ; Sapper, R.E. ; France 1 year 8 months.
Ottaway, George (1917-19) ; Private, 20th Battalion Royal West Surrey Regiment,
128th Labour Co. ; France 18 months.
Padbury, Caroline Augusta (1914-19) ; Royal Red Cross ; Sister, T.F.N.S.
Palgrave, Edward Francis (1914-15); Lieutenant, R.A.M.C. ; France 11 months.
Parker, Reginald Charles Christopher (1915-19) ; 1st Air Mechanic, R.A.C.
(Wireless Section), R.A.F. ; France 1 year 7 months, Germany, prisoner of war 8
Pearce, Frank (1914-19) ; Gunner, 9th Battalion Loudon Regiment, 25th Battalion
Royal Fusiliers, Motor Machine Gun Squadron; France 16 months, German East
Africa 16 months.
Pepper, William Richard (1915-19) ; Mentioned in despatches ; Lance-Sergeant,
London Sanitary Co. R.A.M.C. ; France 9 months.
*Peters, Owen Herbert (1915-16) ; Captain. R.A.M.C. ; France ; Died of wounds,
4th August, 1916.
Pfeiffer, Alois Friedrich (1916-19) ; Private, 30/31st Battalion Middlesex
Regiment, attached R.A.F.
Pinchin, Arthur John Scott (1916-17, 1918) ; Lieutenant, R.A.M.C. and Ministry
National Service Medical Board.
Piatt, Jessie (1915-18); Sister. Q.A.l.M.N.S.R. ; Salonica 2 years.
Pooley, Lizzie Beatrice (1915-19) ; Staff Nurse, T.F.N.S.
Poulden, Emma Elizabeth (1914-16); Staff Nurse, T.F.N.S.
Pulman, Ethel (1915-l8); Twice mentioned in despatches ; Staff Nurse, T.F.N.S.
Putt, George Harold (1916-19) ; Flight-Cadet, R.N.A.S. and R.A.F.
Raffle, Andrew Banks (1914-19) ; M.C. ; Captain, R.A.M.C; France 4 years 1
Rangecroft, Lucy (1914-19) ; Royal Red Cross, mentioned in despatches ; Sister,
Reade, Arthur George Lawrence (1914-19); O.B.E. (Mil.); Surgeon-Lieutenant,
London Division R.N.V.R. and Royal Navy ; South Atlantic Squadron 2 months.
Grand Fleet 14 months.
Regan, Colston James (1915-20) ; Captain, 2nd London Sanitary Co. R.A.M.C;
France 20 months.
Roberts, Ellis James (1916-17.) ; Lieutenant, R.A..M.C.
Rose, William Joseph (1914-19) ; Corporal, 16th Battalion London Regiment ;
France 4 years 1 month.
*Russell, Alice Maud (1915-16); Staff Sister, Q.A.I.M.N.S.R. ; Malta 10 months
; Died, 5th October, 1916.
*Sanders, Herbert Joseph (1915-18) ; Rifleman, 2/5th Battalion London Regiment
; Franco 15 months ; Killed in action, 24th March, 1918.
Saunders, Lilian Annie (1914-19) ; Sister, T.F.N.S. : Salonica 2 years, Malta 2
Scrivener, Eleanor (1914-19) ; Sister, T.F.N.S. ; France 2 years 6 months.
Searle, Sophie (1915-19) ; Mentioned in despatches ; Staff N\u:se,
Q.A.I.M.N.S.R. ; Malta 12 months, France 2 years 4 months
*Selman, Percy St. Clair (1916) ; Private, 17th Battalion London Regiment ;
France 2 months ; Died of wounds, 18th September, 1916.
Sikes, Alfred Walter (1914-15) ; Surgeon, Ambulance Train, B.R.C.S. ; France 8
Slowan, William John More (1914-19) ; O.B.E. (Mil.) ; Captain, R.A.M.C.
Smith, Eric Bellingham (1915-19). Mentioned in despatches; Captain, R.A.M.C;
Serbia 7 months, Egypt 3 years 5 months.
Solomon, Joseph William (1915-19) ; Sergeant, R.A.M.C. ; Salonica 3 years 7
Spencer, Bernard James (1916-18) ; Private, E. Surrey Regiment
Stacey, Frederick Charles (1914-20) ; M.C; Sub-Lieutenant, Royal Naval Division,
Anson Battalion ; Gallipoli 6 months. France 2 years.
Steele, Leonard William (1914-19) ; Gunner, R.F.A., R.G.A. ; Egypt 7 months,
France 11 months.
Stiff, Philip William Henry (1914-19) ;
Corporal, 2/ 1st County of London Yeomanry ; France and Italy 2 years 5 months.
Stiff, William Thomas Francis (1914-19) ; M.M. ; Private, 62nd Battalion,
Machine Gun Corps ; France 12 months.
*Stockdale, Edward Leslie Johnson (1914-16) ; Lieutenant, 10th Battalion
Lancashire Fusiliers ; France 10 months ; Killed in action, 7th July, 1916.
Summerson, Samuel (1916-19) ; Captain, R.A.M.C. ; Salonica 2 years 5 months, N.
Russia 4 months.
Taylor, Henry Oswald (1916-19) ; Corporal, R.G.A. ; France 3 years.
Tilley, John Richard (1917-19); Private, 2/lst W. Somerset Yeomanry.
Tosswill, Leonard Robert (1914-19) ; O.B.E. (Mil.), twice mentioned in
despatches ; Major, R.A.M.C ; France 2 years 4 months.
Train, Herbert James (1916-19); Private, R.A.M.C. ; Salonica 2 years 8 months.
Verdon-Roe, Spencer (1916-17); Lieutenant, R.A.M.C. ; Salonica 11 months.
Waite, Ruth Hannah (1914-19) ; Royal Red Cross, mentioned in despatches ;
Sister, T.F.N.S.
Walker, Mary Anable (1915-19) ; Royal Red Cross ; Sister, T.F.N.S. ; Salonica 1
year 9 months.
*Walsh, Stephen Barry (1914-15); Lieutenant, R.A.M.C. ; France 9 months ; Died
or wounds, 8tli September, 1915.
Wanklyn, William McConnel (1914-19); Captain, R.A.M.C. ; France 18 months.
Watson, James (1916-19); 2nd London Sanitary Co., R.A.M.C ; France 10 months,
Italy IS months.
While, Rose (1915-19) ; Staff Nurse, T.F.N. S. ; France 1 year 11 months.
Williams, Alfred Carleton (1915-19) ; Captain, R.A.M.C.
Young, Emily Hopwood (1914-19) ; Sister, Q.A.I.M.N.S.R.
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