Search london history from Roman times to modern day
Private Residents
(For other names in this parish see Romford)
Abel Cahs Frederick, St Catherines, Nelmes Road Adams William Gilstead, Dalehurst, Ernest Road Allen A C, Lelant, Harrow Drive Aller Charles, Elmwood, Ernest Road Alley Edward dean, Brookside, Herbert Road Allistree William, Derwent house, Herbert Road Ashford Edwin H, The Cottage, elm Grove Ashton Fredk J, Holderness, Sylvan Avenue Bailey Horace, Bloemdaal, Woodland Avenue Baker Charles Henry, Luccombe, Station Road Barber Alfred, Great Nelmes Barber Thomas, Gordon Grange, Parkestone Avenue Barnard Mrs, Cost Coote, Ernest Road Barnes Fras Hy, Oakwood, Ernest Road Barnes Frank E, Beech Croft, Ernest Road Barrington Frederick Munroe, The Gables, Sylvan Avenue Bartholomew Courtney, Hestia, Station Road Battle Albert Ernest, Kia-Ora, Parkstone Avenue Bauckham Jas, Durlestone, Devonshire Road Beard Robert William, Mentmore, Devonshire Road Beck Jn Thos, Avecombe, Elm Grove Beharell Charles John, Kingswear, Devonshire Road Bentley Oscar, Sherwood, Walden way Bertie Richard P, Montrose, Wingle Tye Lane Beswick Hy, Heilbron, Parkestone Avenue Biddle Samuel, The Leas, Station Road Bignold john Alfred, Middleton villa, Ernest Road Bishop Geo, Meadowbank, Ernest Road Bloom A J G, Fairburn,Devonshire Road Boettjoy Wm, Crooksbury, Curtis Road Boyce Frank, Kirkley, Herbert Road Bradfield Mrs, Fairlawn, Nelmes Road Bradley George Simpson, Brooklea, Ernest Road Braid John, Welford, Billet Lane Bramston Geo, Cholsey, Woodland Avenue Bramston George Edward Stanley, Weimes, Woodland Avenue Brander William, St Mawes, Ernest Road Brewitt Ernest, Highlands, Woodland Avenue Bridges Thos Alfred, Fairholme, Poole Road Broom Harold D, Rossmoyne, Wickham Avenue Brown Herbert L, Sunnyhill, Butts Green Road Bryan Bernard William, Woodside, Woodland Avenue Buckley Joseph C, Cleveden, Parkstone Avenue Burden Thomas george, Glenwood, Berther Road Burton Miss, The Lodge, Parkstone Avenue Bussell Francis Frederick, Roseneath, Elm Grove Butterfield Chas, Glenmore, Poole Road Cantle henry, Burslem, Parkstone Avenue Card William Gordon, East Dene, Herbert Road Carpmael Archibald, Monkshaven, Woodland Avenue Carter Herbert Edwin, Lawford, Butts Green Road Carter Mrs, Garwick, Devonshire Road Carthew Sydney S, Ashburton, Herbert Road Catherwood Thomas John, Endsleigh house, Parkstone Avenue Catherwood Thomas William, Wych Elm, Wingle Tye Lane Cawcutt C C, Lynmouth, Devonshire Road Chamberlain Thomas, Curtis Road Channon Herry L, Greystead, Woodland Avenue Chapman Mrs, Bude Haven, Parkstone Avenue Childs Jn, The Haven, Parkstone Avenue Chilver Robert, Rock villa, Parkstone Avenue Chipperfield Walter, Kenkors, Woodland Avenue Clarke Alfred Ernest, Lynton, Woodland Avenue Clutterbuck Mrs, Cheyne Court, Berther Road Coase Stanley Arthur, Elizabetha, Herbert Road Cogar Mrs, Pendarves, Berther Road Cogar William Edward, Caverswell, Nelmes Road Colbourn Albert, Newlands, Berther Road Coleman Oercy William, Glengariff, Woodlands Avenue Conley John Burns, Cheviot, Walden way Cooper Arthur Ernest, Elton lodge, Station Road Cottrell Horace, Hillside, Isabel Road Cox Christopher Norman, Oak cottage, Parkstone Avenue Coxall William Linnard Cooper, Mayville, Devonshire Road Crouch Jas Wm, Edlowes, Ernest Road Curtis Edgar, marleen, Poole Road Curtis William Homer Cowley, Glenroy, Berther Road Dale Rev Herbert John MA (vicar, rural dean, & chaplain to the Cottage Homes), Vicarage Dale Arthur, Mountain Ash, Ernest Road Daniels William John, Pretoria cottage, Parkstone Avenue Daniels Edward Ernest, Beklvue, Wingle Tye Lane Dassett William George, The Retreat, Parkstone Avenue Davis Charles, Leewood villa, Curtis Road Davis Thomas, Glandwr, Parkstone Avenue De Warr Louis Douglas, Torbay, Devonshire Road Dendy Walter, Sutton Lodge, Station Road Dennis Fdk Albert, Oakville, Nelmes Road Dixon John Robert Stanmore, Brent Knoll, Herbert Road Dohoo Arthur Godfrey, Tullynessle, Devonshire Road Donald Tom, Coniston, Ernest Road Douse Dras Hy, The Glen, Parkstone Avenue Downham Frank E, Shirley, Herbert Road Downton Jn, Rock mnt, Mill Park Avenue Draycott Geo E, Bracondale, Sylvan Avenue Duhig David John, Little Langtons, Billet Lane Dunlop Charles, Montrose, Ernest Road Dunlop Chs E, Plemont, Herbert Road Dunlop Joseph Wilson, Buenavista, Ernest Road Dyer Edwin, Oak Dene, Wingle Tye Lane Earle Stanley Beaumont, Tregarthen, Elm Grove Edwards Gerald, 3 The Avenue Eichenberger Bertram, Argovia, Billet Lane Elphick Mrs, Amorelle, Parkstone Avenue Emmerson Frederick A, Asgard, Parkstone Avenue Escrett Jn Jas, Holmfield, Station Road Evans Rev J Benson (Congregational), Chardmore, Isabel Road Ewens Harry L, The Beeches, Wickham Avenue Ewing John Mooney, Craiggowan, Wingle Tye Lane Fairbairn Wm, Fairhaven, Harrow Drive Fardell Richard Hy, Rose villa, Carter Road Farquhar William, Glenisla, Ernest Road Farrington Percy Hall, Valetta, Sylvan Avenue Feast Charles, The Cottage, Curtis Road Felce Francis Cecil, The Hollies, Brentwood Road Fentiman Francis, Whitwell house, Herbert Road Field Harry Vaughan, Daniera, Wingle Tye Lane Fielder Charles James, Suttons house, Station Road Forrester John Charles, Elmscroft, Herbert Road Forsey Albert, Hindover, Parkstone Avenue Fox Thomas, Desmind, Curtis Road Franklyn George William, Hollingbury, Billet Lane French Charles Lewis, Ashleigh, Curtis Road Frost Mrs, Naylands, Herbert Road Frost Chas John, Bude, Devonshire Road Fuller Hy Ralph, Hilda vale, Carter Road Fuller William John, Kent lodge, Herbert Road Gadd Geo, Westleigh, Devonshire Road Gaff Arthur, Silverdale, Curtis Road Gammon Miss, Marston, Ernest Road Garbe Gustave, Eastwood, Woodland Avenue Garbe Richard, Wingle Tye Lane Gardner Thomas JP, Drury Falls, Church Street Garford George Horace Joseph, Beaumaris, Stanley Road Gawler Thomas, Homedene, Carter Road Gay Albert Edward, Ferndale, Stanley Road Gennells Chas, Sunnyside, Parkstone Avenue Gibson Sl, Woody Bay, Devonshire Road Gifford Fdk, Montague, Parkstone Avenue Gillman Frdk Wm, Chain house, Ernest Road Goodbody Edmund Ernest BA, MD, Elm Grove Goodchild William Henry, Stanmore, Nelmes Road Goodenough Samuel, Thanet villa, Stanley Road Gordes Charles, Oakden, Sylvan Avenue Graham J Drummond, Stepston, Walden Road Graham Mrs, Rothwell, Parkstone Avenue Gray Henry, Vooleen, Station Road Green Charles, Allenes, Herbert Road Green Herbert Edward, Granada, Herbert Road Gregg G, Oakhurst, Parkstone Avenue Guymer Robert, Shrublands, Herbert Road Hadler Rev Edward Samuel, Burtonville, Wingle Tye Lane Handford Henry Easton, Wary villa, Parkstone Avenue Harper Walter C, Cheshunt, Isabel Road Harrison Miss, Castlefield, Devonshire Road Hartley Rev Bernard MA (curate) Hartman Walter, Romanesca, Elm Grove Harvey George Arthur, Glenthorne, Walden Road Hatch Edward, Glen Lyn, Devonshire Road Hatting Lewis Harry, The Nest, Parkstone Avenue Haywood Christopher, Northview, Parkstone Avenue Haywood George James, Porthmeor, Mill Park Avenue Healing Charles, The Chase, Elm Grove Hill Wm Edward, Ivanhoe, Nelmes Road Hill Charles Thomas, Excelsior Villa, Parkstone Avenue Hinton William Alfred, Bryn Ewryn, Woodland Avenue Holdway George Thomas, White lodge, Parkstone Avenue Hollinghurst Chas Herbert, Avalon, Parkstone Avenue Holmes Mrs, Grey Towers Holmes Thos, Rose bank, Mill Park Avenue Home Stanley, Lyndhurst, Elm Grove Hone Percy Douglas, the Hut, Ernest Road Hooper Mrs, Hollywood, Brentwood Road Hooper Ralph, Kenwyn, Stanley Road Hopkins Jn, Glynmead, Devonshire Road Horrey Geo, Lyndhurdt, Devonshire Road Hunt George, Narbonne, Herbert Road Hutcheson John Cameron, Woodside, Ernest Road Ivey William, Upminster Road |
Jackson Byatt Joseph, Stavordale, Herbert Road Jackson William, Bush Elms James Edward, Red house, High Street Jarvis Frank, Clovelly, Upminster Road Jenkinson Edward Llewelyn, Willow Brae, Isabel Road Jenkinson Samuel C, The Acacias, Herbert Road Jenkinson Wm, Branksome, Isabel Road Jennings Nathaniel James, Fern cottage, Ernest Road Jensen Christian, Capel Nelmes, Sylvan Avenue Jobson James A, Trevone, Isabel Road Johnson Albert Edward, Osborne house, Brentwood Road Johnson Donald Jeffrey, St Margarets, Herbert Road Jones Allan, The Cottage, North Street Jones Arth Fredc, Silsoe, Nelmes Road Jones Harry, Berkeley, Herbert Road Jordan Herbert, The Outlook, Wingle Tye Lane Kelly Edwin Vincent, Blagdon, Berther Road Kent Mrs, St Quintin, Elm Grove Kerr Alex, Rosemount, Harrow Drive Kerslake Charles, Devonshire house, Devonshire Road Krogsdal Valdemar, Bon Accord, Parkstone Avenue Kubler William G, Ingredene, Ernest Road Lambe Thomas, The Lodge, Church Street Lange Sidney, Holmwood, Harroe Drive Langridge Walter Ernest, The Woodlands, Ernest Road Lawes Frank Jas, Thoreau, Walden way Lawrence William James, Engadine, Parkstone Avenue Lee Arthur, Woodlands, Walden Road Lester James, Litchfield, Herbert Road Lewis Ernest, Heathcote, Butts Green Road Living Robert, Woodstock, Station Road Lock Frdk, Bel Royale, Wickham Avenue Lockyer Henry, Lyndhurst, Parkstone Avenue Louth Miss L, Ingledene, Station Road Lowe Frank R, Hainault, Parkstone Avenue Lowe William, Merrivale, Curtis Road Lush Edward G, Belaugh, Wickham Avenue Luther James, Thurungia, Carter Road McDermott William, Watford house, Herbert Road McDonald George F H, Elandslaggte, Curtis Road McGill William Turnbull, Meadow Brae, Poole Road MacMillan John Douglas, Silvermere, Herbert Road McMullen John Alexander, The Hermitage, Billet Lane McNeil Mrs, Elmhurst, Wingle Tye Lane Mailer James M, Glenvale, Berther Road Major Hedly Tom, Springwell mount, Ernest Road Manby Gerald Edward, Woburn, Berther Road Manly Berry John, Whitecot, Mill Park Avenue Martin James J, Rockville, Ernest Road Martyn Robert Banks, Gracecourt, Woodland Avenue Mason Francis Augustus, Meadow street, Wickham Avenue Mather Mrs, Mirzapur, Ernest Road Mathews Thomas George, Holkham, Berther Road May Mrs, Suttons Gate, Station Road Miller Rev Peter MA (Baptist), Holly bank, Devonshire Road Mills Arthur James, Clovelly, Devonshire Road Mohring Albert E, Hurstpierpoint, Carter Road Monk Wm, Heathermere, Elm Grove Morgan Edward James, Cambria, Devonshire Road Morris Edward James, Highfield, Harrow Drivw Morris William F, Ingrebourne, Wingle Tye Lane Mortleman John, Burnt House Wood lodge, Isabel Road Neate John R, St Helier, Berther Road Newth Leonard, Tintern, Sylvan Avenue Nice Herbert George, St Issy, Stanley Road Nicholls Jn Terry, Trelawne, Billet Lane Niven Alexander, Kissmet, Walden Road Oldman Charles James, Redholme, Ernest Road Pailthorpe Hy N, Fairmead, Carter Road Parker Wm, Kempston, Elm Grove Parrish Edgar Jas, Casita, Ernest Road Pattison Percy, St Budeaux, Devonshire Road Pearce Thomas, The Hollies, North Street Perfect Charles Thomas, Weylands, Station Road Phillips Albert, Roysdean, Station Road Phillips Morley, Ravenscroft, Parkstone Avenue Philpot John, Brewery House Piejus Alfred, Melville, Walden Road Pinney Harry A, Kingston, Parkstone Avenue Popplewell Matthew Colin, Highams, Nelmes Road Powell Arth, Hackwood, Devonshire Road Powell Arth C, Rock chase, Parkstone Avenue Price James Collin, Maviston, Nelmes Road Puddy Arth Job, Pentlands, Walden way Purbrook Charles Hy, Marringhurst, Parkstone Avenue Randle Samuel James, Colvennor, Sylvan Avenue Rengger Jn, Cosy corner, Nelmes Road Rennison Mrs, Nelmeside, Ernest Road Rice Charles Edward, High Elms, Wingle Tye Lane Robertson Alfred, St Madoes, Mill park Avenue Robertson James Robert, MICE, Fairkytes, Billet Lane Robertson William James, Bineleaves, Butts Green Road Robinson Edward henry, Doria villa, Devonshire Road Robinson Edwin Stacey, Glencoe, Curtis Road Robson Richard, Orthez, Elm Grove Roffey Mrs, Littlecot, Station Road Rockwood Thos, Homelea, Walden Road Rose Thomas A, The Billet, Billet Lane Rotenberger Charles Philip, Waldeck, Butts Green Road Rowe Lewis Oxley, Woodside, Parkstone Avenue Ruston George, Inglehurst, Carter Road Sanderson Arthur Frederick, Coventry house, Berther Road Sanderson Thomas, St Deiniols, Isabel Road Savill Stanley, Burnt House wood, Isabel Road Scheffer Johannes, Vrede villa, Butts Green Road Scrine Edwin John, South Leigh, Devonshire Road Searle Joseph Henry, The Homestead, Parkstone Avenue Secombe James, Cliftonville, Curtis Road Shapcott Frederick H, St Mildreds cottage, Wingle Tye Lane Shaw Charles Jn, Beaulieu, Carter Road Sheffield Charles FCIS, FAA, Hambrook, Berhter Road Sherwin Percy V, Romney chase, Wingle Tye Lane Simm William, Rosetta, Poole Road Simmons Ernest L, Sidbury, Elm Grove Sims John William, Avondale, Wingle Tye Lane Slater Wm Hy, Kingsclere, Ernest Road Smith Joseph, Lynton, Devonshire Road Smith Mrs C, Llanberis, Curtis Road Smith Thos, Kingsthorpe, Parkstone Avenue South richard, Warley, Wingle Tye Lane Spurgeon Rev Robert (Baptist), Yalpaiguri, Poole Road Stebbings Alfred, Rosedale, Nelmes Road Stewart Dugald, Moray, Butts Green Road Stpckwell Sydney Henry, Ravendale, Herbert Road Storey Ralph B, Tremearne, Parkstone Avenue Stradwick Frank, The Chestnuts, Elm Grove Stuttle Edwin James, The Haven, Wickham Avenue Sudlow Mrs, Springland, Carter Road Swan Andrew, Gorleston house, Wickham Avenue Symonds Harry Lambert, Sunnyside, Woodland Avenue Tanner Ernest, Wingletyde, Parkstone Avenue Taplin John Minter, Allerton, Woodland Avenue Taylor Frederick, Rockmead, Berther Road Taylor Frederick William, Lynton, Curtis Road Tebbutt Albert, Raleigh lodge, Station Road Thompson Alfred J, Malvern cottage, Wingle Tye Lane Thompson Frederick William, Denny Villa, Berther Road Thorrington Francis William, Ferncote, Curtis Road Thurner Charles Robrt, Warwick house, Curtis Road Tiddeman dmund Spenser, Woodend, Woodland Avenue Tippius Ralph John, Leederville, Mill Park Avenue Tolhurst Frederick, St Lawrence, Ernest Road Townsend Frederick Wm, Normanhurst, Parkstone Avenue Trenoweth Capt James, Mt Pleasant, Butts Green Road Trowbridge Ernest A, Morthos, Devonshire Road Turner Sidney, Woodlee, Parkstone Avenue Vandy Wm, The Limes, Ernest Road Vince Walter, Brent Eleigh, Ernest Road Vince Hy Jn, Rose bank, Herbert Road Wagner Robert, Kirk Ella, Curtis Road Wakefield Thos, Holmby, Curtis Road Walker Mrs, Holmwood, Stanley Road Walker Robert, Mill Park lodge, Mill Park Avenue Walker Wm K, Clestron, Elm Grove Walsh Richard, St Elmo, Nelmes Road Watkins Alfred, Wyke, Walden Road Watkinson Septimus Theodore, Alverstone, Herbert Road Watson William H, Oaklands, Herbert Road Webb John, The Bower, Isabel Road Webb Willie, Jasminia, Herbert Road Wedlake T W, White House, North Street Weightman Alfred, The haylands, Station Road Wells Francis, Bristol Cotette, Herbert Road Wheeler Charles W, Eugenie, Parkstone Avenue Wilkinson Robert G, Mayfield, Curtis Road Willey William Frederick, Bideford, Devonshire Road Willford Neville, Woodside, Isabel Road Williams Albert Charles, The Croft, Ernest Road Williams John Henry, The Elms, Parkstone Avenue Williams Mrs Garibaldi, Fairmead, Parkstone Avenue Williams Wm Varco, JP, Langtons Wilson Archibald Ralph, Cotswold, Ernest Road Winmill Edward, JP, Longfield house, Hornchurch Road Winn Charles Matthew, Rosewarne, Wingle Tye Lane Wrack William Pope, Sunnyhurst, Billet Lane Wright Fredk, St Keverne, Nelmes Road Wright Harry, Boscombe, Curtis Road Wynne-Roberts Mrs, Wavertree, Parkstone Avenue |
Bill William Thomas, The Cottage
Tanton Edmund, Haveringwell house
Harold Wood
Private Residents
Appleyard Walter James, Heathfield Ayres Henry B, St Romans Baldock James, 2 Hainult villas Barker Mrs, Dorset House Barrett Edward, Belsize, Avenue Road Bradshaw Daniel, Edelweiss Broodbank Joseph G, JP, Longmoor Bryceson Miss, woodleigh Chandler William, Glenthorn Clark Mrs, Elm villa Clyde Arthur, Jersey house, Queens Park Road Collison Timothy L, Laington house Crane James, Charleston Creak Frank, Walsingham D’Eath Mrs, 5 Avenue Road Dix Wm Chas, The Poplars, Avenue Road Fisher Walter, 4 Avenue Road Green James, Oak villa Greensmith Cecil, Avenue Road Griggs Henry Thomas, Kincraig Hardwicks Joseph Frederick, Old Redden Court |
Harvey John, Avondale, Avenue Road Harvey John Joseph, 4 Hainault villas Hudson Frederick, The Cottage Langton William Moore, Litherland Matthews Geo H, Corsden Matthews James, Bridge house Mills Ernest G, Kersbrooke Page John, Cintra house Park Mrs, 2 Avenue Road Payton Mrs, 1 Avenue Road Pearce Edwin Augustus, Oak lodge Rowlatt Capt Hy Napier, Lyndhurst Schwob Rudolf, Ballater, Avenue Road Seefels Otto, Baden House Shave Ambrose Payne, Runton Taylor William Horace, Thornsette Thompson Charles Frederick, Latticopple Wall George A, Braemar Warren Robert, Fernleigh Westaway Elliott, Treleigh Wilson John, Birdhurst |
South Hornchurch
Norton Henry J, Upper Havering house
Pyner John James, Wood lane
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