London 1746 Rocques map

Swan, Watling Street, Thaxted

Also known as the White Swan

Thaxted pub history index

The Swan Hotel, Thaxted

The Swan Hotel, Thaxted

Kindly provided by Colleen

Swan Thaxted with Morris Dancers in the foreground

Swan Thaxted with Morris Dancers in the foreground

Kindly provided by David Twitchett

Swan, Watling Street, Thaxted

17th July 1999

Taken by Ian Rose.

Known Residents

The following entries are in this format:

Year/Publican or other Resident/Relationship to Head and or Occupation/Age/Where Born/Source.

1782-83/John Webb/../../../Alehouse Recognizances

1784-85/Thomas Ford/../../../Alehouse Recognizances

1786-92/John Webb/../../../Alehouse Recognizances

1794-1811/John Webb Sen./Licensee/../../Alehouse Recognizances

1812/James Johnson/Licensee/../../Alehouse Recognizances

1813-28/John Webb/Licensee/../../Alehouse Recognizances*

1828-9/John Webb/../../../Pigot's

1832-3/John Webb/../../../Pigot's

1839/Franklin & Webb/../../../Pigot's

1845/Franklin & Webb/Brewers & Maltsters/../../Post Office

1848/Robert Franklin/Brewer & Maltster/../../White's
1848/John Webb/Brewer & Maltster/../../White's

1851/Franklin & Webb/Brewers & Maltsters/../../Post Office

1855/Franklin & Webb/Brewers & Maltsters/../../Post Office

1862/Robert Franklin/../../../Kelly's

1867/Robert Franklin/../../../Post Office
1867/Arthur Franklin/../../../Post Office

1870/John Banyard Baker/Brewer, Swan Brewery/../../Kelly's

1871/John Banyard Baker/Brewer, Swan Brewery/../../Post Office

1874/John Banyard Baker/Brewer, Swan Brewery/../../Kelly's

1878/Samuel Hart/../../../Kelly's

1881/John Twine/Licensed Victualler/40/Clapham, Surrey/Census
1881/Jane Twine/Wife/37/Ardingley, Surrey/Census
1881/Harry Twine/Son/14/St. Marylebone, Middlesex/Census
1881/Harry Arthur Docker/Visitor, Licensed Victualler/44/Islington, Middlesex/Census
1881/Frederick Docker/Visitor/8/St. Marylebone, Middlesex/Census

1882/John Twine/../../../Kelly's

1886/William Henry Houghton/../../../Kelly's

1894/Harry Grout/Brewer/../../Kelly's

1895/Harry Grout/../../../Kelly's

1898/Harry Grout/Brewer/../../Kelly's

1899/H. Grout/../../../Kelly's

1902/Arthur Jackson/../../../Kelly's

1908/James William Clayton/../../../Kelly's

1912/Henry Rodds/../../../Kelly's

1917/John Rengger/../../../Kelly's

1925/Duncan Frederick Fraser/../../../Kelly's

1933/Duncan Frederick Fraser/Proprietor/../../Kelly's

* Provided by Mike Smith

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