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Woodmans Arms, Sewardstone Bury Green, Sewardstone

Sewardstone pub history index

Residents at this address

1851/Jemima Lane/Beer House Keeper, Widow/44/Sewardstone, Essex/Census
1851/John Lane/Son, Ag Labourer/21/Sewardstone, Essex/Census
1851/Henry Lane/Son, Ag Labourer/19/Sewardstone, Essex/Census
1851/Amos Lane/Son, Ag Labourer/13/Sewardstone, Essex/Census
1851/James Savage/Lodger, Ag Labourer, Widow/73/Chingford, Essex/Census

1861/Jemima Lane/Beer House Keeper, Widow/54/Waltham Abbey, Essex/Census
1861/Amos Lane/Son, Assistant/23/Sewardstone, Essex/Census
+ Travellers & Boarder

18 June 1874/Administration of the effects of Amos Lane late of Sewardstone Green in the Parish of Waltham Holy Cross in the County of Essex Beerhouse Keeper a Batchelor who died 8 April 1874 at Sewardstone Green was granted at the principal Registry to John Lane of Sewardstone Green Beerhouse Keeper the Brother and one of the next of Kin. Effects under £300//Probate

July 1874/Amos Lane/Outgoing licensee, deceased/../../Chelmsford Chronicle

July 1874/John Lane/Incoming licensee/../../Chelmsford Chronicle

October 1877/John Wicks/Fined One pound 19 shillings for deficient measures/../../Chelmsford Chronicle

October 1893/John Wicks/Application for a Wince license/../../Chelmsford Chronicle

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  • And Last updated on: Thursday, 25-Jan-2024 15:59:18 GMT