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Bricklayers' Arms, Howe Road/Jane Street, Plaistow

Plaistow index

The address is at 96 Grange Road by 1891, following street renaming. *

Also see the History of Plaistow

Residents at this address

1871/William Short/beer retailer/../../Post Office Directory *

1871/Joseph Neath/Beer House Keeper/34/Stratford, Essex/Census
1871/Ann Neath/Wife/48/Laudermere, Essex?/Census
1871/Sarah A Drake/Step Daughter/16/Hull, Yorkshire/Census
1871/Rose Drake/Step Daughter/14/London, Middlesex/Census
1871/Alice Drake/Step Daughter/9/London, Middlesex/Census

13/9/1872/James Marsh/../../../Petty Sessions

24/3/1873/Samuel Parr/../../../Petty Sessions

21/3/1874/William Hutch/../../../Petty Sessions

1874/William Hatch/Beer Retailer/../../Kellys

1878/William Hatch/Beer Retailer/../../Kellys

9/10/1880/William Hatch/../../../Petty Sessions

1881/William Hatch/Beerhouse Keeper/32/Feltham, Middlesex/Census
1881/Sarah Hatch/Wife/23/W Ham, Essex/Census
1881/Arthur Hatch/Son/5/Plaistow, Essex/Census
1881/John Hatch/Son/2/Plaistow, Essex/Census
1881/John Hatch/Visitor, Carman/39/Feltham, Middlesex/Census

1882/William Hatch/Beer Retailer/../../Kellys

1891/William Hatch/Beerhouse Keeper/42/Feltham, Middlesex/Census
1891/Sarah Hatch/Wife/38/Stratford, Essex/Census
1891/Arthur Hatch/Son, Assistant/15/Plaistow, Essex/Census
1891/John Hatch/Son/11/Plaistow, Essex/Census
1891/William Hatch/Son/8/Plaistow, Essex/Census
1891/Thomas Hatch/Son/4/Plaistow, Essex/Census
1891/Alfred Hatch/Son/1/Plaistow, Essex/Census

1896/Mrs Sarah Ann Sewell/beer retailer/../../Kellys Directory *

1901/Charles E. Lamble/Beer & Wine Retailer/34/Kingsbridge, Devon/Census *
1901/Elizabeth Lamble/Wife/36/Paddington/Census
1901/Edwin G. Lamble/Son/9/West Kensington/Census
1901/Hilda H. Lamble/Daughter/6/West Kensington/Census
1901/Harold C. Lamble/Son/3/Plaistow, Essex/Census

1906/Edward Blizzard Terry/beer & wine retailer/../../Kellys Directory *

Leytonstone Express and Independent 09 January 1909
The Bricklayers Arms, beer and wine on, Grange road, Plaistow. Licensee, William Long ; registered owners, the Cannon Brewery, Clerkenwell.
The Commissioners awarded £2,750 and the award was to be appealed against.

* Provided By Ewan

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