Plough & Harrow, 419 High Road Leytonstone, Leytonstone E11 4JU

Leytonstone pub history index

Plough & Harrow, Harrow Green/High Road, Leytonstone - 14th March 2003

Plough & Harrow, Harrow Green/High Road, Leytonstone - 14th March 2003

Taken by Brian Berry

Plough & Harrow, 419 High Road, Leytonstone - in 2012

Plough & Harrow, 419 High Road, Leytonstone - in 2012

Kindly provided by Dan McGee

Residents at this address.

1826/John Philipps/../../../Pigot's

1828/John Phillips/../../../Alehouse Recognizances*

1828-9/John Philipps/../../../Pigot's

1832-3/John Philipps/../../../Pigot's

1839/John Phillipps/../../../Pigot's

1845/John Philipps/../../../Post Office

1847/Frances Phillips / Widow /../../Proceedings of the Old Bailey **
1847/Ann Murray / Servant /../../Proceedings of the Old Bailey **

1848/Frances Phillips/../../../White's

1851/Edward Smith/licensed victualler and coach proprietor/31/Aldgate, Middlesex/Census ***
1851/Hester Maria Smith/wife/24/Wanstead, Essex/Census
1851/Edward C Smith/son, scholar/10/Wanstead, Essex/Census
1851/Maria Smith/daughter/3m/Leytonstone, Essex/Census
1851/William Swan/pot man/21/Leytonstone, Essex/Census
1851/Mary Doe/house servant/24/Willingale Doe, Essex/Census
1851/Hannah Dean/house servant/14/Epping, Essex/Census

1845/E Smith/../../../Post Office

1855/E Smith/../../../Post Office Directory **

1862/Thomas Richards/../../../Kelly's

1867/Thomas Richards/../../../Post Office

1870/Thomas Richards/../../../Kelly's

1871/Thomas Richards/../../../Post Office

1874/Thomas Richards/../../../Kelly's

1874/Lucy Holton / Barmaid /../../Proceedings of the Old Bailey **

1878/James Isaacs/../../../Kelly's

1881/James Isaacs/Licensed Victualler/32/Spitalfields, Middlesex/Census
1881/Isabella Isaacs/Wife/34/Spitalfields, Middlesex/Census
1881/Florence Isaacs/Daughter/12/Spitalfields, Middlesex/Census
1881/Isabella Isaacs/Daughter/11/Spitalfields, Middlesex/Census
1881/James Isaacs/Son/9/Spitalfields, Middlesex/Census
1881/Harry Isaacs/Son/7/Spitalfields, Middlesex/Census
1881/Albert Isaacs/Son/4/Leyton, Essex/Census
1881/F. Hardiman/Barman/24/Kingsland, Middlesex/Census
1881/R. Dipple/Barman/22/Shoreditch, Middlesex/Census
1881/E. Boreham/Domestic Servant/16/Leyton, Essex/Census

1882/James Isaacs/../../../Kelly's

1886/James Isaacs/../../../Kelly's

1896/James William Isaacs/../../../Petty Sessions

1902/James William Isaacs/../../../Kelly's

07/1/1904/William Platt/../../../Petty Sessions

1906/William Platt/../../../Kelly's

05/1/1907/Charles William Emery/../../../Petty Sessions

1908/Charles William Emery/../../../Kelly's

10/4/1909/Sidney Jonathan Tinner/../../../Petty Sessions

21/5/1910/Edward James Morton/../../../Petty Sessions

1911/Edward James Morton/Licensed Victualler/44/Poplar, London/Census
1911/Alice Morton/Wife/46/Camberwell, London/Census
1911/Alice Elsie Morton/Daughter, Assistant/20/Harrington, London/Census
1911/Kate Morton/Daughter, Assistant/18/East Grinstead, Sussex/Census
1911/Joseph Albert Rendell/Barman/33/Corsley, Wilts/Census
1911/Harold William Whitehouse/Barman/19/Putney, London/Census
1911/Thomas William Skinner/Potman/30/Hoxton, London/Census
1911/Mabel Jones/General Servant/23/Cyprus/Census
1911/Amelia Barnes/Barmaid/26/St Leonards, Bucks/Census

1912/Edward James Morton/../../../Kelly's

1917/Edward James Morton/../../../Kelly's

28/4/1917/John James Griffiths/../../../Petty Sessions

27/9/1919/Robert Maurice & Edward St John Corbett/../../../Petty Sessions

23/4/1921/Christopher Dilkes & Edward St John Corbett/../../../Petty Sessions

1922/Christopher Dilkes/../../../Kelly's

21/4/1923/Frederick Grow/../../../Petty Sessions

1925/Frederick Grow/../../../Kelly's

12/3/1930/Ernest Peter Marden/../../../Petty Sessions

21/9/1932/Albert Casanova Ballard Marden & Peter Purne Marden/../../../Petty Sessions

1948/Isaac Levy (Known as Israel Mille) / Licensed Victualler /../../London Gazette, 17 August 1948 **

My father, Herbert Henry Lott, was the licensee here from approx 1954-1956. I lived there with my parents and grandmother. *+

1956 - 57/H H Lott, Plough and Harrow, 419 High road, Leyton E11 - Leytonstone 1683/../../BT Telephone directory

1961/ Plough & Harrow, 419 High road, Leytonstone E11/../../Pub directory

1971/ Plough & Harrow, 419 High road, Leytonstone E11/../../Pub directory

1981/ Plough & Harrow, 419 High road, Leytonstone E11/../../Pub directory

1983/../Laurel & Hardy: 419 Leytonstone High Road. Courage. Formerly the Plough & Harrow./../../Pub directory

2018/The Plough & Harrow, 419 High Road Leytonstone, Leytonstone E11 4JU, Waltham Forest

* Provided by Mike Smith

*+ Provided by Mags

** Provided by Stephen Harris

*** Provided by John Mead

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