Chequers, Matching Green, High Laver

Chequers, Matching Green, High Laver

29th August 1999

Known Residents

The following entries are in this format:

Year/Publican or other Resident/Relationship to Head and or Occupation/Age/Where Born/Source.

1845/William Brown/../../../Post Office

1848/William Brown/Victualler/../../White's

1851/William Brown/../../../Post Office

1851/William Brown/publican and butcher/43/Little Parndon, Essex/Census **
1851/Mary Ann Brown/wife/38/Coopersale, Essex/Census
1851/John Brown/son/15/Harlow, Essex/Census
1851/Maria Brown/daughter/13/Harlow, Essex/Census
1851/Mary Ann Brown/daughter/10/Harlow, Essex/Census
1851/Joseph Brown/son/07/High Laver, Essex/Census

1852/W. Brown/../../../Kelly's*

1855/Mrs. M. Brown/../../../Kelly's*

1861/Thomas Cooper/Victualler & Carpenter/31/Bethnal Green, Middx/Census ***
1861/Ann Cooper/Wife/45/Matching, Essex/Census
1861/John Foster/Boarder, Carpenter/21/Matching, Essex/Census

1862/Thomas Cooper/../../../Kelly's

1867/Thomas Cooper/../../../Post Office

1870/Thomas Cooper/Carpenter/../../Kelly's

1871/Thomas Cooper/Carpenter/../../Kelly's

1874/Thomas Cooper/Builder/../../Kelly's

1878/Thomas Cooper/Builder/../../Kelly's

1881/Arthur Pratt/Carpenter & Licensed Victualler/25/Matching, Essex/Census
1881/Elizabeth Mary Pratt/Wife/22/St. Pancras, Middlesex/Census
1881/Arthur Thomas Pratt/Son/2/High Laver, Essex/Census
1881/Elizabeth Mary Pratt/Daughter/3m/High Laver, Essex/Census
1881/Eliza Scott/General Servant/14/High Laver, Essex/Census
1881/John Collins/Lodger, Painter & Glazier/38/Harlow, Essex/Census

1882/Arthur Pratt/../../../Kelly's

1886/Alfred Linsell/../../../Kelly's

1890/Alfred Linsell/../../../Kelly's

1894/Alfred Linsell/../../../Kelly's

1895/Alfred Linsell/../../../Kelly's

1898/Mrs. Susan Linsell/../../../Kelly's

1899/Mrs. Susan Linsell/../../../Kelly's

1902/Charles Sharp/../../../Kelly's

1906/Edward James Horey/../../../Kelly's

1908/Edward James Horey/../../../Kelly's

1910/Edward James Horey/../../../Kelly's

My Great Grandmother's brother, Edward James Horey, is listed in the Electoral Registers as being Resident/Occupier of King William IV from 1912 to 1920. In 1911, the King William is shown as his abode, but Chequers Inn, Matching Green is given as the Qualifying Property. He seems to have owned/run Chequers Inn from at least 1908 to 1911.

1911/Joseph Harrowell/Inn Keeper, Police pensioner/54/Cheddington, Buckinghamshire/Census
1911/Meretta Harrowell/Wife/54/Cheddington, Buckinghamshire/Census
1911/Florence Louisa Harrowell/Daughter, Assistant/20/Chalfont St Peters, Buckinghamshire/Census
1911/George Daniel Denyer/Visitor/52/Finchley, Middlesex/Census
1911/Arthur Speller/Lodger, Farm Labourer/34/Aythorp Roothing, Essex/Census

1912/Joseph Harrowell/../../../Kelly's

1914/Wilfrid Harrowell/../../../Kelly's

1917/Wilfrid Harrowell/../../../Kelly's

1922/Wilfrid Harrowell/../../../Kelly's

1925/Mrs. Kate Harrowell/../../../Kelly's

1929/Mrs. Kate Harrowell/../../../Kelly's

1933/Mrs. Kate Harrowell/../../../Kelly's

1937/Mrs. Kate Harrowell/../../../Kelly's

* Provided by the Pubs, Inns and Taverns Index for England, 1801-1900

** Provided by John Mead

*** Provided by Kevan

Provided by Carolyn Jones

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