Welcome Sailor, West Street, Harwich

A listing of historical public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels in Essex. The  Essex listing uses information from census, Trade Directories and History to add licensees, bar staff, Lodgers and Visitors.

Harwich pub history index

Renamed the Elephant & Castle by 1870. This pub is now renamed Shakers Bar (2013).

Elephant & Castle, West Street, Harwich

Elephant & Castle, West Street, Harwich

Kindly provided by Harwich and Dovercourt

Elephant & Castle, West Street, Harwich - in September 2013

Elephant & Castle, West Street, Harwich - in September 2013

Kindly provided by Stephen Harris

Known Residents

The following entries are in this format:

Year/Publican or other Resident/Relationship to Head and or Occupation/Age/Where Born/Source.

1862/Joseph Allen Cross/../../../Kelly's

1867/James Etherden/../../../Post Office

1870/John Morris/../../../Kelly's

1871/John Morris/../../../Post Office

1871/James Downes/Licensed Victualler/51/Colchester, Essex/Census
1871/Susan Downes/Wife/50/Ardleigh, Essex/Census

1874/James Downes/../../../Kelly's

1878/James Downes/../../../Kelly's

1881/John Smith/Innkeeper/42/Harwich, Essex/Census
1881/Mary Ann Smith/Wife/40/Harwich, Essex/Census
1881/Ellen Elizabeth Smith/Daughter, General Domestic Servant/15/Harwich, Essex/Census
1881/Henry F. Smith/Son/6/Harwich, Essex/Census

1882/John Smith/../../../Kelly's

1886/John Smith/../../../Kelly's

1890/John Smith/../../../Kelly's

1891/John Smith/Innkeeper/55/Harwich, Essex/Census
1891/Mary Ann Smith/Wife/50/Fairsted, Essex/Census
1891/Henry Smith/Son, Checker/17/Harwich, Essex/Census
1891/Adelaide Smith/Daughter/10/Harwich, Essex/Census
1891/Rose Heyhoe/General Domestic Servant/17/Harwich, Essex/Census
1891/John King/Boarder, Mariner/30/Hullbridge, Essex/Census

1894/John Smith/../../../Kelly's

1895/John Smith/../../../Kelly's

1898/John Smith/../../../Kelly's

1899/John Smith/../../../Kelly's

1901/John Smith/Publican/66/Harwich, Essex/Census
1901/Mary Ann smith/Wife/61/Fairsted, Essex/Census
1901/John King/Boarder, Coffee Stall Keeper/45/Hullbridge, Essex/Census

1902/John Smith/../../../Kelly's

1906/Frank Garton/../../../Kelly's

1908/Frank Garton/../../../Kelly's

1910/Frank Garton/../../../Kelly's

1912/Frank Garton/../../../Kelly's

1914/Frank Garton/../../../Kelly's

1917/Frank Garton/../../../Kelly's

1922/George Baker/../../../Kelly's

1925/George Baker/../../../Kelly's

1929/Horace F. Goldsmith/../../../Kelly's

1933/Horace F. Goldsmith/../../../Kelly's

1937/Horace F. Goldsmith/../../../Kelly's

** Provided by Stephen Harris

Provided by Kevan

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