George IV, Harlow Common, Harlow

Also known as the George

Known Residents

The following entries are in this format:

Year/Publican or other Resident/Relationship to Head and or Occupation/Age/Where Born/Source.

1832-3/William Cook/../../../Pigot's

1839/William Cook/../../../Pigot's

1840/William Cook/../../../Pigot's*

1845/William Cook/Pork Butcher/../../Post Office

1848/William Cook/../../../White's

1851/William Cook/../../../Post Office

1855/W. Cook/../../../Kelly's*

1862/Boaz Battell/../../../Kelly's

1867/Boaz Battell/../../../Post Office

1870/Boaz Battell/../../../Kelly's

1871/Boaz Battell/../../../Post Office

1874/Boaz Battell/../../../Kelly's

1878/Boaz Battell/../../../Kelly's

1881/Boaz Battell/Licensed Victualler/69/Harlow, Essex/Census
1881/Mary Battell/Wife/70/Harlow, Essex/Census

1882/George Brown/../../../Kelly's

1886/William Brown/../../../Kelly's

1890/William Brown/../../../Kelly's

1894/William Brown/../../../Kelly's

1895/William Brown/../../../Kelly's

1899/William Brown/Beer Retailer/../../Kelly's

1902/William Brown/Beer Retailer/../../Kelly's

1906/William Brown/Beer Retailer/../../Kelly's

Note: Premises not named after 1895

* Provided by the Pubs, Inns and Taverns Index for England, 1801-1900

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