Victoria, Mount Pleasant/Prospect Place, Halstead

aka Plough and Sail, Mount Pleasant - 1851

Known Residents

The following entries are in this format:

Year/Publican or other Resident/Relationship to Head and or Occupation/Age/Where Born/Source.

1848/John Norman/Beerhouse Keeper/../../White's

1851/John Norman/Beer Retailer/../../Post Office

1851/John Norman/bricklayer/46/Halstead, Essex/Census **
1851/Sarah Norman/wife/43/Mount Bures, Essex/Census **
1851/George Norman/son, brick labourer/22/Halstead, Essex/Census **
1851/Hannah Norman/daughter in law, power loom weaver/21/Halstead, Essex/Census **
1851/Arthur Norman/son, labourer/19/Halstead, Essex/Census **
1851/Sarah Norman/daughter, silk winder/17/Halstead, Essex/Census **
1851/John Norman/son, scholar/14/Halstead, Essex/Census **
1851/Mary Norman/daughter, scholar/11/Halstead, Essex/Census **
1851/Joshua Norman/son, scholar/06/Halstead, Essex/Census **
1851/Emma Norman/daughter/02/Halstead, Essex/Census **

1855/J Norman/Beer Retailer/../../Post Office

1861/John Cook/Inn Keeper/30/Halstead, Essex/Census
1861/Susan Cook/Wife/27/Halstead, Essex/Census
1861/Susannah Cook/Halstead, Essex/Census
1861/Eliza Cook/Daughter/9/Halstead, Essex/Census
1861/Emily Cook/Daughter/6/Halstead, Essex/Census
1861/Clara Cook/Daughter/1/Halstead, Essex/Census

1862/John Cook/../../../Kelly's

1871/Mary Coe/Inn Keeper, Widow/61/Halstead, Essex/Census
1871/Mary A Coe/Daughter, Milliner/30/Halstead, Essex/Census
1871/James Johnson/Lodger, Butcher/29/Halstead, Essex/Census

Note: Premises only named in 1862

** Provided by John Mead

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