Ship, High Street, Halstead

Known Residents

The following entries are in this format:

Year/Publican or other Resident/Relationship to Head and or Occupation/Age/Where Born/Source.

1822/John Gunn/../../../Pigot's*

1823-4/John Gunn/Public House Keeper/../../Pigot's

1828-9/John Gunn/../../../Pigot's

1832-3/William Gunn/../../../Pigot's

1839/Thomas Davey/../../../Pigot's

1845/Benjamin Baker/../../../Post Office

1848/Joseph Mayhew/../../../White's

1851/Joseph Mayhew/Auctioneer & Appraiser, House & Estate Agent, & Agent to the Reliance Life Off./../../Post Office

1851/Joseph Mayhew/auctioneer/43/Coggeshall, Essex/Census **
1851/Mary Ann Mayhew/wife/31/Great Henny, Essex/Census **
1851/Augustus P Hockley/lodger, articled clerk/20/Guildford, Surrey/Census **
1851/Isaac Cook/servant/44/Halstead, Essex/Census **

1852/J. Mayhew/../../../Kelly's*

1861/John Sach/Victualler/64/Layer Marney, Essex/Census
1861/Maria Sach/Wife/47/Kelvedon, Essex/Census
1861/Laura Sach/Daughter/11/Colchester, Essex/Census
1861/Arthur Sach/Son/8/Colchester, Essex/Census
1861/John H Rand/Lodger, Travelling Books/23/Chelmsford, Essex/Census
1861/Simon Shrimar/Lodger, Travelling Jeweller/33/Prussian/Census

1862/John Sach/../../../Kelly's

1867/John Shadbolt/../../../Post Office

1870/John Shadbolt/Jobmaster/../../Kelly's

1871/John Shadbolt/Jobmaster/../../Post Office

1871/John Shadbolt/Jobmaster, Widower/59/Halstead, Essex/Census

* Provided by the Pubs, Inns and Taverns Index for England, 1801-1900

** Provided by John Mead

Provided by Kevan

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