201 Boundary Road, East Ham E13

East Ham pub history index

The property is listed separately under both East Ham and Plaistow, but with different proprietors, in the 1922 Directory.  *

The following entries are in this format:

Year/Publican or other Resident/Relationship to Head and or Occupation/Age/Where Born/Source.

1911/Louis James Pankhurst/Off License Holder/35/East Ham, Essex/Census *
1911/Lucy Pankhurst/Wife/30/East Ham, Essex/Census
1911/Elsie Ann Francis/Servant/19/Stepney/Census

1914/Arthur Griffiths Lowe/beer retailer/../../Kelly's Directory *

1917/Frederick John Wright/beer retailer/../../Kelly's Directory *

1922/Frederick John Wright/beer retailer/../../Kelly's Directory *
1922/George A. Smith/beer retailer (off)/../../Kelly's Directory *

* Provided by Ewan

Provided by Kevan

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