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Queen Elizabeth, 95 Forest Side, Chingford E4 6BA

A listing of historical public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels in Essex. The  Essex listing uses information from census, Trade Directories and History to add licensees, bar staff, Lodgers and Visitors.

Queen Elizabeth Hotel, 95 Forest Side, Chingford E4 6BA - in 1870

Queen Elizabeth Hotel, Chingford - in 1870

Kindly provided by Colleen

Queen Elizabeth, Chingford  in 2005

Queen Elizabeth, 95 Forest Side, Chingford E4 in 2005

(click on picture for full size)

Kindly provided by Brian Lodge

Known Residents

The following entries are in this format:

Year/Publican or other Resident/Relationship to Head and or Occupation/Age/Where Born/Source.

1862/Joseph Long/Beer Retailer/../../Kelly's

1867/Joseph Long/Beer Retailer/../../Post Office

Note: Premises not named in 1862 & 1867

1870/John Long/../../../Kelly's

1871/John Long/../../../Post Office

1874/John Long/../../../Kelly's

1876/John Long/../../../Kelly's*

1878/John Long/../../../Kelly's

1880/John Long/../../../Kelly's*

1882/John Long/../../../Kelly's

1885/Joseph Long/../../../Kelly's*

1886/Joseph Long/../../../Kelly's

1890/Mrs. Long/../../../Kelly's

1894/Mrs. Martha Emma Pollard/../../../Kelly's

1895/Mrs. Martha Emma Pollard/../../../Kelly's

1898/Charles Marshall/../../../Kelly's

1899/Charles Marshall/../../../Kelly's

1902/Charles William Emery/../../../Kelly's

1906/William George Harrison/../../../Kelly's

1908/William George Harrison/../../../Kelly's

1910/William George Harrison/../../../Kelly's

1912/William George Harrison/../../../Kelly's

1914/James French Foulds/../../../Kelly's

1917/Alfred Charles Golder/../../../Kelly's

1922/Albert E. Blake/../../../Kelly's

1925/William O. White/../../../Kelly's

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