Peto Arms, East Street, Barking IG11

Barking pub history index

A listing of historical public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels in Essex. The  Essex listing uses information from census, Trade Directories and History to add licensees, bar staff, Lodgers and Visitors.

This pub was built as the Peto Arms in 1850, later becoming the Railway Hotel in the mid 1890's; but was demolished in 1906 when the level crossing at East Street was replaced by a bridge. The listing in Kelly's Directory for 1908 is interesting, possibly just showing the time lag between the research and the publication of these directories, or maybe the pub lived on briefly after the bridge was built. ***

Peto Arms, 116 East Street, Barking, Essex - in 1906

Peto Arms, 116 East Street, Barking, Essex - in 1906

Kindly provided by Stephen Harris

Residents at this address

1855/R. George/../../../Kelly's*

1861/Jesse Bailey/Victualler/27/Ilford, Essex/Census
1861/Eliza Bailey/Wife/24/Dagenham, Essex/Census
1861/Eliza Bailey/Daughter/2/Barking , Essex/Census
1861/Anna Bailey/Daughter/6 months/Barking , Essex/Census

1862/Jesse Bailey/../../../Kelly's

1863 / Jesse Bailey / .. / .. / .. / White's Directory *+

1867/Jesse Bailey/../../../Kelly's

1870/Jesse Bailey/../../../Kelly's

1871/Jesse Bailey/../../../Post Office

1871/Jesse Bailey/Publican/37/Barking , Essex/Census
1871/Mary Bailey/Wife/36/Lambeth, Surrey/Census
1871/Anna Bailey/Daughter/10/Barking , Essex/Census
1871/Emma Bailey/Daughter/8/Barking , Essex/Census
1871/Jesse Bailey/Son/5/Barking , Essex/Census
1871/William Byford/Father in Law, Lighterman, Widow/70/Lambeth, Surrey/Census
1871/Katherine Winter/Aunt, Widow/74/Lambeth, Surrey/Census
1871/Maria Wright/Domestic Servant/18/Lambeth, Surrey/Census
1871/Alfred Partridge/Potman & Ostler/26/Langford, Essex/Census

1872/J Bailey/../../../The Essex Annual **

1874/Jesse Bailey/../../../Kelly's

1878/Jesse Bailey/../../../Kelly's

1881/Mary Bailey/Licensed Victualler/47/Lambeth, Surrey/Census
1881/Emily Bailey/Daughter, Milliner/18/Barking , Essex/Census
1881/William Byford/Father in Law, Lighterman/80/Lambeth, Surrey/Census
1881/Rebecca Harris/General Servant/24/Ely, Cambridge/Census

1882/Mrs. Mary Louise Bailey/../../../Kelly's

1886/Joseph M. Tracey/../../../Kelly's

1889/Joseph M. Tracey/../../../Barking Pubs Past and Present’ by Tony Clifford **

1890 / Joseph M. Tracey / .. / .. / .. / Kelly's Directory *+

1891/Joseph M Tracey/Licensed Victualler/34/Gravesend, Kent/Census
1891/Jane Tracey/Wife/30/Stratford, Essex/Census
1891/Hannah Hopkins/Adopted/20/Kensall, London/Census
1891/Blanch T Lacelles/Adopted/11/Camden Town, London/Census
1891/Anne M Kerry/Barmaid/30/North Topham, Norfolk/Census
1891/Laura B Brught/Barmaid/21/East Horndon, Essex/Census

1894/Joseph M. Tracey/../../../Kelly's

1895/Joseph M. Tracey/../../../Kelly's

1896/Joseph Maybell Tracey/../../../Petty Sessions

01/1/1898/James Oliver Lewis/../../../Petty Sessions

1898/James Oliver Lewis/../../../Kelly's

1899/James Oliver Lewis/../../../Kelly's

1901/James O Lewis/Publican/54/Cardigan, Wales/Census
1901/Marian H Lewis/Wife/53/High Wycombe, Bucks/Census
1901/Loumer S Hedges/Barmaid/18/Barking , Essex/Census
1901/Alice M Bush/Barmaid/22/Dagenham, Essex/Census
1901/Jane Spudy/Barmaid/18/West Ham, Essex/Census
1901/Rosina S Bush/Domestic General/18/Dagenham, Essex/Census
1901/Mary A Mumford/Domestic General/13/Barking , Essex/Census
1901/Elsie M Lewis/Daughter, Typewriter/19/Cardigan, Wales/Census

1902/James Oliver Lewis/../../../Kelly's

1902/James Oliver Lewis/../../../Petty Sessions

1906/James Oliver Lewis/../../../Petty Sessions

1908/James Oliver Lewis/../../../Kelly's

1910 / James Oliver Lewis / .. / .. / .. / Kelly's Directory *+

* Provided by the Pubs, Inns and Taverns Index for England, 1801-1900

*+ Provided by Ewan

** Provided by Stephen Harris

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