Hop Pole, 59 Fisher street, Barking IG11

Barking pub history index

A listing of historical public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels in Essex. The  Essex listing uses information from census, Trade Directories and History to add licensees, bar staff, Lodgers and Visitors.

Residents at this address

1867/John Howe/Beer Retailer/../../Post Office Directory

1871 / John Howe / beer retailer / .. / .. / Post Office Directory *

1871/John Howe/Carpenter & Beer House Keeper/40/Letheringsett, Norfolk/Census **
1871/Ann Howe/Wife/33/Barking/Census
1871/Samuel Howe/Son/11/Barking/Census
1871/James Ainsworth/Servant/17/Dagenham, Essex/Census

John & Ann are next to be found at the White Hart, Grays **

9/1872/John Atterton/Beer Retailer/../../Petty Sessions

1874/John Atterton/Beer Retailer & Tailor/../../Kelly's

1878/John Atterton/Beer Retailer & Tailor/../../Kelly's

1881/John Atterton/Beer Seller/64/Colchester, Essex/Census
1881/Elizabeth Atterton/Wife/66/Northampton/Census
1881/Jessie Parsons/General Servant/16/Barking, Essex/Census

1882/John Atterton/Beer Retailer & Tailor/../../Kelly's

14/7/1888/Edm Hugh Mundy/Beer Retailer/../../Petty Sessions

1890 / Edmund Hugh / Mundy / beer retailer / .. / .. / Kelly's Directory *

1891/Edmond Mundy/Shipwright/55/Barking, Essex/Census
1891/Mrs Mundy/Wife/54/Barking, Essex/Census

07/4/1894/Wm McNally/Beer Retailer/../../Petty Sessions

1895 / William McNaley / beer retailer / .. / .. / Kelly's Directory *

12/12/1896/Alfred Majer/Beer Retailer/../../Petty Sessions

02/4/1898/Samuel Hume/Beer Retailer/../../Petty Sessions

1899 / Sam Hume / beer retailer / .. / .. / Kelly's Directory *

1901/Sam Hume/Beer House Keeper/50/Eastwood, Essex/Census
1901/Priscilla Hume/Wife/42/Canewdon, Essex/Census
1901/Oswald Hume/Son, Bakers Assistant/18/Colchester, Essex/Census
1901/Mabel Hume/Daughter/16/Canewdon, Essex/Census
1901/Vernon Hume/Son/14/Canewdon, Essex/Census

1902 / Sam Hume / beer retailer / .. / .. / Kelly's Directory *

* Provided by Ewan

** Provided by Terry Griffiths

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