Hope, 170 Gascoigne road, Barking IG11 7LH

Barking pub history index

A listing of historical public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels in Essex. The  Essex listing uses information from census, Trade Directories and History to add licensees, bar staff, Lodgers and Visitors.

In 1901, the licence for this pub moved to a larger building further down the street at No. 170 Gacoigne Road, where it remains today. *** The name is listed as The Volunteer in 1891, but this is presumably a confusion with the other pub of this name on the same street, which also appears in the 1891 census. The address is listed as 147 Fisher Street until 1901, which is a different site. *

Hope, 170 Gascoigne Road, Barking - in 1926

Hope, 170 Gascoigne Road, Barking - in 1926

Hope, 170 Gascoigne Road, Barking - in 1963

Hope, 170 Gascoigne Road, Barking - in 1963

Hope, 170 Gascoigne Road, Barking - in 2009

Hope, 147 Fisher Street, Barking - in October 2009

Kindly provided by Stephen Harris

Residents at this address

1848 / John Bailey / beer house keeper / .. / .. / White's Directory *

1851 / John Bailey / beer retailer / .. / .. / Post Office Directory *

1861 / John Baily / Beer Retailer / Head / 71 / Wivenhoe, Essex / Census *

1861 / Isabella Baily / Wife / 65 / Bloomsbury / Census *
1861 / John Howe / Son-in-Law, Carpenter Journeyman / 30 / Leatheringset, Norfolk / Census
1861 / Ann Howe / Daughter / 24 / Barking / Census
1861 / John Howe / Grandson / 1 / Barking / Census

1862 / John Bailey / beer retailer / .. / .. / Post Office Directory *

1863 / John Bailey / beer house keeper / .. / .. / White's Directory *

1871 / John Bass / beer retailer / .. / .. / Post Office Directory *

1871 / Elizabeth Bass / Wife (Head away), Beer House Keeper / 32 / Barking / Census *
1871 / Joseph Bass / Son / 2 / Barking / Census
1871 / Elizabeth Bass / Daughter / 8mo / Barking / Census
1871 / Sarah Woodley / Servant / 16 / Barking / Census

9/1872/William Jarrard/Beer Retailer/../../Petty Sessions

1874/William Jarrard/Lighterman/../../Kelly's

15/7/1876/Alfred Clark/Beer Retailer/../../Petty Sessions

1878/Alfred Clark/Lighterman/../../Kelly's

1881/A. Clarke/Lighterman/50/../Census
1881/S. Clarke/Wife/46/../Census
1881/L. Planner/Niece/25/../Census
1881/Amy Westwell/Niece/29/../Census

1882/Alfred Clark/Lighterman/../../Kelly's

1886/Alfred Clark/Lighterman/../../Kelly's

Note: Premises not named after 1886

1890/Alfred Clark / Beer Retailer/../../Kelly’s Directory ***

1891 / Alfred Clark / Head / 63 / Witham, Surrey / Census *
1891 / Catherine Clark / Wife / 62 / Brentwood, Essex / Census
1891 / Miria Kemp / Lodger / 88 / Brentwood, Essex / Census
1891 / Charles Westwood / Lodger / 20 / Brentwood, Essex / Census

1894/Alfred Clark/Beer Retailer/../../Kelly's

1895 / Alfred Clark / beer retailer / .. / .. / Kelly's Directory *

1898/Alfred Clark/Beer Retailer/../../Kelly's

1899/Alfred Clark/Beer Retailer/../../Kelly's

1901/George J Berry/Beer House Keeper/45/Barking, Essex/Census
1901/George J Berry/Son, Coal Porter/21/Barking, Essex/Census
1901/Julia E Berry/Wife/43/Barking, Essex/Census
1901/William A Berry/Son, Coal Porter/19/Barking, Essex/Census
1901/Arthur E Berry/Son, Labourer at Rubber Works/16/Barking, Essex/Census
1901/Henry C Berry/Son/12/Barking, Essex/Census
1901/Ada Berry/Daughter/18/Barking, Essex/Census

1902/George John Berry/Beer Retailer/../../Kelly's

1906/George John Berry/Beer Retailer/../../Kelly's

1908/George John Berry/Beer Retailer/../../Kelly's

1910 / George John Berry / beer retailer / .. / .. / Kelly's Directory *

1911/George Berry/Barman/31/Barking, Essex/Census
1911/Alice Berry/Wife/29/Barking, Essex/Census
1911/Louise Berry/Daughter/5/Barking, Essex/Census
1911/Elsie Berry/Daughter/2/Barking, Essex/Census

1912/George John Berry/Beer Retailer/../../Kelly's

1914/George John Berry/Beer Retailer/../../Kelly's

1917/George John Berry/Beer Retailer/../../Kelly's

1922/George John Berry/Beer Retailer/../../Kelly's

1924 - 1934/Berry/died 1934/../../Freehold

1925/George John Berry & Son/Beer Retailers/../../Kelly's

1926 / George John Berry & Son / beer retailer / .. / .. / Kelly's Directory *

1929 / George John Berry & Son / beer retailer / .. / .. / Kelly's Directory *

1933/George John Berry & Son/Beer Retailers/../../Kelly's

1935 - 1940/W A & H E Berry/W A Berry died 1940/../../Freehold

1937/Henry Charles Berry/Hope, 170 Gascoigne Road/../../Kelly’s Directory ***

1941/H E Berry/../../../Freehold

1942 - 1948/Weston & Wood/../../../Freehold

1949 - 1954/Hallam & Co/../../../Freehold

1955 - 1956/E J Brett/../../../Freehold

1957 - 1959/W C Clark/../../../Freehold

1961 - 1966/F P Hagan/../../../Freehold

1962/F B Hagon/../../../BT Telephone Directory

1963/F B Hagon/../../../BT Telephone Directory

1966/F B Hagon/../../../BT Telephone Directory

October 1966/Copes Taverns/../../../Freehold

* Provided by Ewan

** Provided by John Mead

** Provided by Stephen Harris

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