Barge Aground, 6 Broadway, Barking IG11 7LS

Barking pub history index

A listing of historical public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels in Essex. The  Essex listing uses information from census, Trade Directories and History to add licensees, bar staff, Lodgers and Visitors.

This pub was established by 1662.  Rebuilt across the road from the original; although the rebuilding on its new site did not take place until 1973. ** The pub has since been rebuilt at 15 Broadway, across the street. The address is listed as 1 Market Place in 1881. * The occupants of the Barge Aground included the Wade family from about 1870 to 1969

(The Original) Barge Aground, Broadway, Barking

(The Original) Barge Aground, Broadway, Barking

Kindly provided by Colleen

Barge Aground, Broadway, Barking in 2003

17th April 2003

Taken by Brian Berry

Residents at this address

1861 / John Goddard / Beer Retailer / 65 / Barking / Census *
1861 / Caroline Goddard / Wife / 38 / Lowestoft, Suffolk / Census
1861 / Elizabeth Goddard / Daughter / 12 / Barking / Census
1861 / Henry Hoddard / Son / 10 / Barking / Census
1861 / William Goddard / Son / 3 / Barking / Census
1861 / Catin Goddard / Son / 1 / Barking / Census
1861 / Louisa Goddard / Daughter / 1 month / London / Census
1861 / Sarah Crisp / Servant / 52 / London / Census

1862 / John Goddard / beer retailer / .. / .. / Post Office Directory *

1863 / John Goddard / beer house keeper / .. / .. / White's Directory *

1867 / John Goddard / beer retailer / .. / .. / Post Office Directory *

In the 1861 census, Elizabeth Wade is living in Stepney, with children; and shown as a mariners wife. They also have a son, Joseph, born about 1850, in Shields, Durham.

1870/Joseph Wade/Beer Retailer/../../Kelly's

1871/Joseph Wade/Beer House Keeper/48/Maldon, Essex/Census
1871/Elizabeth Wade/Wife/36/London, Middlesex/Census
1871/Elizabeth Wade/Daughter/15/London, Middlesex/Census
1871/Sarah J Wade/Daughter/13/London, Middlesex/Census
1871/William Wade/Son/11/London, Middlesex/Census

09/1872/Joseph Wade/Beer Retailer/../../Petty Sessions

1874/Joseph Wade/Beer Retailer/../../Kelly's

14/7/1877/Elizabeth Wade/Beer Retailer/../../Petty Sessions

1877/Joseph Wade/../../../Kelly’s Directory **

1878/Mrs. Elizabeth Wade/Beer Retailer/../../Kelly's

1881/Elizabeth Wade/Beerhouse Keeper/44/London, Middlesex/Census
1881/Elizabeth Wade/Daughter/24/London, Middlesex/Census
1881/William Wade/Son, Wood Turner/21/London, Middlesex/Census
1881/Albert Fergusson/Visitor, Salesman/29/London, Middlesex/Census

1882/Mrs. Elizabeth Wade/Beer Retailer/../../Kelly's

In July 1881,William Foster Wade marries Jane Berry at St Leonards, Bromley, his father Joseph is a mariner.

6/10/1883/William Foster Wade/Beer Retailer/../../Petty Sessions

1886/Mrs. Elizabeth Wade/Beer Retailer/../../Kelly's

1890/William Foster Wade / Beer Retailer //../../../Kelly’s Directory **

1891/William F Wade/Beer Retailer/31/Stepney, Middlesex/Census
1891/J Wade/Wife/27/Ilford, Essex/Census
1891/W J Wade/Son/9/Barking, Essex/Census
1891/H Wade/Son/8/Barking, Essex/Census
1891/J Wade/Son/6/Barking, Essex/Census
1891/F Wade/Daughter/4/Barking, Essex/Census
1891/A Wade/Son/1/Barking, Essex/Census
1891/E Wade/Mother, Widow/50/Stepney, Middlesex/Census

1894/William Foster Wade/Beer Retailer/../../Kelly's

1895/William Foster Wade/Beer Retailer/../../Kelly's

1898/William Foster Wade/Beer Retailer/../../Kelly's

1899/William Foster Wade/Beer Retailer/../../Kelly's

1901/William Wade/Beer Retailer/41/Commercial Road, London/Census
1901/Jane Wade/Wife/37/Ilford, Essex/Census
1901/William Wade/Son/19, Barman/Barking, Essex/Census
1901/Joseph Wade/Son, House Carpenter/16/Barking, Essex/Census
1901/Albert Wade/Son/12/Barking, Essex/Census
1901/Orriss Wade/Son/10/Barking, Essex/Census
1901/Elizabeth Lake/Domestic servant/17/Chelmsford, Essex/Census

1902/William Foster Wade/Beer Retailer/../../Kelly's

1906/William Foster Wade/Beer Retailer/../../Kelly's

1906/William John Wade marries Hannah Mary Evans

1908/William John Wade/Beer Retailer/../../Kelly's

1910 / William John Wade / beer retailer / .. / .. / Kelly's Directory *

1911/William John Wade/Licensed Victualler/29/Barking, Essex/Census
1911/Hannah Mary Wade/Wife/32/Cardiganshire, Wales/Census
1911/William Foster Wade/Son/3/Barking, Essex/Census
1911/John Wade/Son/6 months/Barking, Essex/Census
1911/Alice Susie Griffiths/Visitor, Nurse/28/Cardiganshire, Wales/Census

1912/William John Wade/Beer Retailer/../../Kelly's

1914/William John Wade/Beer Retailer/../../Kelly's

1917/William John Wade/Beer Retailer/../../Kelly's

1922 / William John Wade / beer retailer / .. / .. / Kelly's Directory *

1925/William John Wade/Beer Retailer/../../Kelly's

1926 / William John Wade / beer retailer / .. / .. / Kelly's Directory *

1929 / William John Wade / beer retailer / .. / .. / Kelly's Directory *

1933/William John Wade/Beer Retailer/../../Kelly's

1937/William John Wade/../../../Kelly’s Directory **

1939/William J Wade/Licensee/Born 19th October 1881/../Electoral Register
1939/Hannah M Wade/Domestic duties/Born 11th April 1878/../Electoral Register
1939/John Wade/Manager/Born 16th September 1910/../Electoral Register
1939/Thomas Wade/../Born 5th May 1912/../Electoral Register
1939/Frank Wade/Assistant manager/Born 25th August 1913/../Electoral Register
1939/Annie Wade/Domestic duties/Born 22nd June 1909/../Electoral Register

William John Wade was born seventy years ago in the Barge A'Ground, Barking, and today he is the licensee, having taken over the house from his father in 1904.

His vigour and youthfulness belie his age and his jovial personality, couple with an understanding of human nature, have made him one of the most popular men in Barking. A photograph of the first Barking Football Club hangs in the saloon bar and Mr Wade is in it; he still retains an interest in the club although boxing is now first on the list of his many sporting activities. As a player, he confines himself to skittles, a game at which, in the words of a customer, he is "pie-hot".

During the First World War, he was a member of the Barking Fire Brigade and he was awarded an O.B.E. for his services. Mrs Wade is an ideal partner and with three sons who also take an active part in the business, Mr Wade has a perfect team. The name of Wade has been connected with the House for more than one hundred years and has indeed been a credit to the Trade. - Black Eagle Journal ***

1952/William John Wade/Black Eagle Journal ***

Ever since it was built 120 years ago, the Barge Aground has had a member of the Wade family as licensee. The present tenant William John Wade has just been granted his fiftieth licence. When he decides to retire, the tradition will still be carried on by his three sons who help him in the bars, but in a different building. Under a new planning scheme, the present house is to be pulled down and rebuilt just across the road. Few of his customers know that Mr Wade was awarded an OBE for his work in the Fire Service during the First World War - Black Eagle Journal [1956]***

1956/William John Wade/Black Eagle Journal ***

1960/W J Wade/Licensed victualler, 6 Broadway Barking/../../BT Telephone directory

1964/W J Wade/Licensed victualler, 6 Broadway Barking/../../BT Telephone directory

1967/W J Wade/Licensed victualler, 6 Broadway Barking/../../BT Telephone directory

Mrs Hannah Mary Wade, died on Wednesday, December 9th 1964, aged 84 years. The wife of Mr W J Wade, licensee for 58 years - Black Eagle Journal ***

William John Wade, OBE, died about 1969 at the age of 87 years. He was born in the house, and has held the licence for over sixty three years, following his father and grandfather, accumulating a total of nearly one hundred and fifty years link to the Barge Aground by the Wade family. - Black Eagle Journal ***

1969/William John Wade/Black Eagle Journal ***

* Provided by Ewan

** Provided by Stephen Harris

*** Provided by Alex Wilkinson

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