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Canning Town 1914 Commercial Directory N

Canning Town Index

1914 commercial directory index

Nairne Annie (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 1 Carson road
National Seamens Union of Great Britain & Ireland (Joseph Taylor, sec.), 343 Victoria Dock road
National Tailoring Co. tailors, 148 Barking road
National Union of Gasworkers & General Labourers (Canning Town No. z branch) (G. W. Shreeve, sec.), 124 Barking road
Naylor Brothers, grocers, 69 Freemasons road
Naylor Joshua, bed. retailer, 69 Hemsworth street
Neary Walter Hy. Bridge House tavern, 23 Barking road
Neave Wm. Geo. boot & shoe maker, 68 Barking road
Neill Thomas, fruiterer & greengrocer, 18a, Star lane
Nelson H. & W. Limited, ship owners, Royal Victoria docks. T N 746 East
Nelson Albert, shopkeeper, sr Roscoe street
Nelson Harry Augustus de Beauvoir M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. physician & surgeon, 217 Barking road ; surgery, 12a, Rathbone street
New South-West Ham Liberal & Radical Club (Albert Launder, sec.), 213a, Barking road
New Zealand Shipping Co. Limited (J. B. Westray & Co. agents), steam ship owners, Royal Victoria (T N 894 East) & Albert docks. T N 576 East
Newbery John, Royal Albert P.H. 38 Freemasons road
Newell George. Chas. grocer, & post office, 1 Dale road
Newman & Co. wholesale tobacconists 6, & wholesale haberdashers 8, Rathbone street
Newmans Drug Stores Ltd. chemists, 50 Barking road
Newport Wm. Charles, coal dealer, 18 Charlotte street
Newton „Henry, stewed eel dealer, 90 Hermit road
Nice Charles Edward, grocer, 1 Devonshire road
Nicholls John, provision dealer, 49 Stephenson street
Nieman Isaac, clothier, 108 Victoria Dock road
Nightingale James, shopkeeper, 116 Beckton road
Nippon Yusen Kaisha (Japan line), steam ship owners, Royal Albert & Victoria docks. T Ns 242 & 588 East
Noble Jane (Mrs.), midwife, 12 Cambus road
Normandy Chemical Co_Ltd.Norrnandy st. TN 3499 East
Norris Frances (Mrs.), florist, 8 Garvary road
Norris Henry, shopkeeper, 81 Forty Acre lane
Norton Arthur John, grocer, 160 Bidder street
Norton Thomas Albert, baker, 58 Freemasons road
Norton William, shopkeeper, 69 Peter street


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