London 1746 Rocques map

Canning Town 1902  Post Office Street Directory

History of Canning Town in 1902 -  part 1  & part 2

Canning Town Index

[76] Janet Road, 104 Freemasons Road
1 Chapman Arthur, builder

[77] Junction Street, Stephenson Street
2a Britannia PH, Percival R Errington
2 Wyatt Hy Andrew, confectioner
4 Byard John Wm, hair dresser
6 Silk Thomas, greengrocer
8 Shellitoe W & Co, carmen
... here is Wellington Place ...
... here are Bidder & Charlotte Streets ...

[78] Knights Road, Victoria docks, North Woolwich Road

   Henderson & Sons, lightermen (5 St Georges terrace)
53 Lyle Alex, under manager
   Primrose Hall, Thomas Farris, sec
   Hammersley Fredk, manager (6 Primrose Terrace)
   Knight John & sons, Silvertown soap works & oil mills
   London & Thames Haven Oil Wharves Limited, petroleum wharfingers (Manhattan wharf)

[79] Lambert Road, 60 Freemasons Road

54 Lewis Mrs Ann, shopkeeper

[80] Lansdown Road, 63 Boyd Road
8 Fereday Benjamin, shopkeeper
... here are Western, Addison & Sandford Roads ...
   Police Station (K division), Wm Hnt, station sergeant
... here is Eldon Road ...
   Maternity Charoty & District Nurses Home (Dock branch)
... here is Albany Road ...
72 Griffiths JOb, confectioner
63 Woodridge Thomas, shopkeeper
... here is Hack Road ...

[81] Lawrence Street, 26 Rathbone Street
8 Hurran Herbert, shopkeeper
... here are Maud & Aviary Streets ...
26 Robertson James, painter
26 Hiett Miss Alice, cake saffron manufacturer
42 Prince William, greengrocer
31 Tankard William, shopkeeper
... here is Peter Street ...
1 Dennis John, shopkeeper

[82] Leyes Road, 240 Prince Regent Lane

South side
2 Osborne Wm, greengrocer
4 Sanford John, butcher
6 Watson Errington, oilman
8 Lawrence Cornelius, shopkeeper
10 Scriven Henry, hair dresser
100 Evans George Edward, dining rooms
102 Wickart Kuspart, baker
104 Held John, grocer
106 Perry Edward, confectioner
168 Higgs George, shopkeeper

North side
... here is West Road ...
65 Cundy Miss Sarah Ann, beer retailer
... here is Baxter Road ...
161 Carman Richard, dining rooms

[83] Liverpool Road, 43 Barking Road to Star Lane

Liverpool Terrace:
4 Cook Alfred, dining rooms
5 Cook Charles, confectioner
6 Slaney Mrs Agnes, laundry
7 Ramke Alfred, boot maker
8 Tyson John, fancy draper
9 Sales Henry, greengrocer
10 Downs Wiliam, shopkeeper
12 Ellis William, corn dealer

Soutter Andrew G & Co, oil, color & varnish manufacturers
14 McGorge George jun, corn dealer
... here is Malmesbury Road ...
48 Burton Mrs Ann, dress maker
... here is Avondale Road ...
83 Howes Walter, grocer
   Pillar Letter Box
[84] Malmesbury Road, Star Lane to Malmesbury Terrace

West side
54 Maynard W R & Co, cycle makers
194 Gwinnell Alfred George, relieving officer
... here is Liverpool Road ...
... here is Oak Crescent ...
230 Bacon Mrs Elizh Ann & Miss Edith Fras, dress makers

East side
... here is Valence Road ...
69 Horsey Charles Hy, baker
107 Lait Thos Havelock, grocer
... here are Clarence, Percy, Liverpool, Dale, Clifton & Baron Roads ...

[85] Malmesbury terrace, (continuation of Malmesbury Road)

... here is Oak Road ...
2 Galbraith Rd H, estate office
58 Beech Edward, stone mason

[86] Marten Road, Queens Road
2 Wilkins Francis, shopkeeper
26 Bichens William, coal dealer
51 Elliott Mrs Mary Ann, shopkeeper
83 Roworth Jas Wm, painter

[87] Martindale Road, 10 Queens Road to Frederick Road

79 Lambton Robert, shopkeeper
84 Watson George, shopkeeper

[88] Mary Street, 130 Barking Road
7 Briggs Thomas, shopkeeper
... here is Maud Street east ...
9 East William, builder
Primitive Methodist Chapel
... here is Aviary Street ...
30 Poulson Edmund Arthur Beech, shopkeeper
... here is Peter Street ...
78 Hibbs Geo Spencer, shopkeeper

[89] Maud Street, Barking Road
1 Fox John, oilman

[90] Mayfield Road
See Plaistow

[91] Merton Street, York Street
1 Cooper Henry, shopkeeper
8 Bacon Thomas, shopkeeper

[92] Montesquieu Street, Clarkson Street to Rathbone Street
21 Stevens Mrs Mary, shopkeeper
... here is Fox Street ...
23 Dufill John, baker

[93] Morecambe Street, Pitt Street
1 Wilkins Francis, shopkeeper

[94] Morgan Street, 168 Barking Road
3 Eustace Edmund, shopkeeper
... here is Edward Street ...
... here is Beckton Road ...
18 Woods Mrs Maria, shirt & collar dresser
36 Gullan Miss Mary, dress maker
96 Holmes Walter, plumber

[95] Nelson Street, 116 Victoria Dock Road to Boyd Road

East side
3 McHugh Thomas, shopkeeper
35 Bedford Thomas, shopkeeper
57 Macer Edward, dairyman
... here is Catherine Street ...

West side
2 Kitts George, poultry dealer
36 Hunht Edward, beer retailer
... here is Emily Street ...
38 Harrold William, shopkeeper
52 Ennifer William, greengrocer
54 Rayner Mrs Elizabeth, marine store dealer
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