London 1746 Rocques map

Canning Town 1902  Post Office Street Directory

History of Canning Town in 1902 -  part 1  & part 2

Canning Town Index

[12] Baron Road, Malmesbury Road to Star Lane

1 Moore Mrs Mary Ann, shopkeeper
75 Taylor Miss Alice, dress maker
2 Sampson Edwin, greengrocer

[13] Baxter Road, 65 Leyes Road
... here is Royal Road ...

2 Johnson Louis, chandlers shop
4 Murphy Chas, fishmonger
8 Bicheno Mrs Jane, greengrocer
   Gregson & Co, ships joiners
9 Sauerland Hy Wm, butcher
   Mission Church of the Ascension
8 Montague Wm, fruiterer

[14] Beaconsfield Road, 115 Hermit Road

Board School
6 Priest Wm Henry, confectioner
32 Tubby Edwin, shopkeeper
... here is Gerald Road ...

[15] Beckton Road, 162 Barking Road

North side
1a Fox Cycle Co, cycle makers
3 Potter Robert Edward, cycle agent
5 Schafer John, confectioner
9 Carter Hannah Mrs, dress maker
13 Bowman Benj, hair dresser
27 Botham Benjamin, fancy draper
... here are Fisher & Morgan Streets ...
29 Shaw James, wardrobe dealer
31 Bird Chas Edward, job master
35 Robinson Miss Minnie, dress maker
43 Robertson Albert Jn, shopkeeper
... here is Hudsons Road ...
55 Mott George, shopkeeper
... here is Chandlers Avenue ...
71a Dinkel Frederuck, baker
... here is Hayday Road ...
   Scrutton & Crebbin, estate agents
73 Collard George, grocer
125 Carroll John C, relieving officer for No 6 district, West Ham Union
33 Bedwell Arthur, grocer
... here is Douglas Road ...
135 Link Stephen C, butcher
... here is New Burn Street ...
207 Chisholm Mrs Caroline, shopkeeper
237 Male William, shopkeeper

South side
2 Gray James, hair dresser
4 Ronchetti Wm, boot maker
6 Jonas Sidney Clifford, chemist
... here are Maud, East & Peter Streets ...
8 Beckton Arms PH, Harry Alfred Smith
10 Huckstepp Thomas, tobacconist
12 Clayden Jn, fried fish shop
14 Hoffman Chas, pork butcher
16 Champion Jn, greengrocer
18 Powles Jn Jas, hair dresser
18 Percival Alfred, grocer
... here is Trinity Street ...
20 Adams Harry Frederick, baker
22 Wilkins Edwin, oilman
22a Reilly Richard, boot repairer
22b Hull Joseph, machinist
22c Giavinotti Michael, refreshment room
24 Shepherd Wm, shopkeeper
30a Anderson Jas, confectioner
... here is Morgan Street ...
32 Diamond James, confectioner
44 Walgren Henry, shopkeeper
48 Fish Mrs Florence, beer retailer
... here is Forty Acre Lane ...
52 Poole Alfred, boot maker
54 Merry John, greengrocer
... here is Bradley Street ...
   Pillar Letter Box
... here is Edwin Street ...
72 Orsbourn Freeman David, shopkeeper
... here is Corner Street ...
... here is Richard Street ...
   Board School
... here is Freemasons Road ...
208 Trumble George, cycle maker
312 Handley George, pig dealer etc
   Harrison, Barber & Co Ltd, horse slaughterers

And Last updated on: Monday, 29-Jan-2024 12:19:53 GMT