London 1746 Rocques map

Canning Town 1896  Post Office Street Directory

History of Canning Town in 1896

Canning Town Index

[60] Junction Street, Stephenson Street to Bidder Street
    Britannia PH, Frederick James Maniford
2 Simmons Alex, shopkeeper
4 Byard John, hair dresser

[61] Knights Road, Victoria docks, North Woolwich Road
    Primrose Hall, E A Day, sec
   Knight John & sons, Silvertown soap works & oil mills
   Simpson William & Co, petroleum merchants (Manhattan wharf)
   Henderson & Sons, lightermen (5 St Georges terrace)

[62] Lansdown Road, 63 Boyd Road
8 Fereday Benjamin, shopkeeper
63 Woolridge Thomas, grocer
   Police Station (K division)
65 Baker William, laundry

[63] Lawrence Street, Rathbone Street
8 Jones Mrs Adelaide, shopkeeper
10 Smith Edward, coal dealer
26 Robertson James, painter
26 Hiett Miss Alice, cake saffron manufacturer
42 Clements Wm, greengrocer
61 Slater Mrs Eliza, shopkeeper
31 Baker Richard, shopkeeper

[64] Leyes Road, 6 Prince Regent Lane

South side
2 Harrington Edgar, butcher
4 Osborne Wm, greengrocer
6 Solder Henry, boot maker
8 Lawrence Cornelius, shopkeeper
10 Hewitt George, hair dresser
102 Heintze Robert, baker
104 Walmesley Ernest, grocer
106 Manuel Joseph, confectioner

North side
65 Whittaker Robert Hy, beer retailer

[65] Lilliput Road, now numbered in Victoria Dock Road

[66] Liverpool Road, Barking Road
1 Lerpiniere Edward, tobacconist
2 Newell James, hair dresser
3 Abraham John Geo, builder
4 Lloyd Thos, dining rooms
... here is Malmesbury Road ...
5 Cook Charles, confectioner
6 Swan Thomas, laundry
7 Rankin Henry, boot maker
8 Lear George, draper
9 Sales Henry, greengrocer
10 Hadgraft Geo Wm, grocer
11 Richardson Wm, butcher
12 West William F, surgeon
Soutter Andrew G & Co, oil, color & varnish manufacturers
90 Binstead Charles, coal dealer
83 Howes Walter, grocer

[67] Malmesbury Road, 1 Ordnance Road

South side
... here is Oak Crescent ...
... here is Liverpool Road ...
... here is Clarence Road ...
Malmesbury Road continued

North side
Trafalgar Terrace:
1 Acton Henry, grocer
20 Horsey Charles Hy, baker

[68] Malmesbury terrace, 6 Ordnance Road
... here is Oak Road ...
58 Beech Edward, stone mason

[69] Martin Road, Freemasons Road
2 Jeffrey Robert, shopkeeper

[70] Martindale Road, Victoria docks, Frederick Road
79 Goreham Edward, shopkeeper
84 Spicer Henry, shopkeeper

[71] Mary Street, Barking Road
Primitive Methodist Chapel
30 Baker Charles, shopkeeper
78 Smith Richard. grocer
7 Briggs Thomas, shopkeeper
9 East William, house & estate agent

[72] Maud Street, Barking Road
1 Boatman William, oilman

[73] Mayfield Road, Star Lane
2 Thomas Arthur C, provision dealer
50 Bowden Wm, provision dealer
49 Bond William, shopkeeper

[74] Merton Street, near the Pitts Head
1 Cooper Henry, shopkeeper
8 Parker Alfred, shopkeeper

[75] Montesquieu Street, Clarkson Street to Rathbone Street
21 Stevens Mrs Mary, greengrocer
23 Emmert John, baker
52 Jewell Miss Sarah Ann, boot maker
18 Bull Edward, dairy

[76] Morecambe Street, Pitt Street
1 Holt William, baker

[77] Morgan Street, 166 Barking Road
3 Enifer William, shopkeeper
33 Ribbons Mrs Mary, dress maker

[78] Nelson Street, Victoria Dock Road to Boyd Road

East side
3 Richards Joseph, shopkeeper
19 Ellis William, greengrocer
57 Macer Edward, cow keeper
... here is Catherine Street ...
   Smith John, beer retailer

West side
34 Cousins Hardy, boot maker
36 Reynolds Joseph, beer retailer
... here is Emily Street ...
38 Gardner Henry, shopkeeper
54 Rayner Jas, marine store dealer
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