London 1746 Rocques map

Canning Town 1896  Post Office Street Directory

History of Canning Town in 1896 -  part 1  & part 2

Canning Town Index

[31] Dale Road, 17 Malmesbury Road
1 Craig Mrs Tarmar, grocer
1 Post Office
2 Carey Mrs Elizabeth, shopkeeper
74 Hawkins Joseph, fried fish shop

[32] Dock Road, Tidal basin Road to Bridge

River side
   Cade Joseph, coal merchant (Thames wharf)
2 City Arms PH, John Payne

North east side
3 Jacobs Chas, furniture remover
5 Crick Hy Robert, shopsmith
7 Fergusin John, iron ship cementer
17 Stafford James, beer retailer
21 Hockstadt Paul, hair dresser
23 Wardle George, tobacconist
25 Court Arthur, shopkeeper
... here is Union Street ...
27 Shadrack Wm, coal merchant, carman, railway & carriage contractor
27 Starkey, Room & Co, tarpaulin manufacturers (Wm Shadrack, agent)
29 Knight John, coffee house
   Dock House Tavern, Mrs Ellen Hedley
   Pillar Letter Box
... here is Alfred Street ...
63 Kilsby Walter J, beer retailer
65 Standen Mrs Ann, carman
75 Lukes William, coffee house
77 Stanford Jonathan, greengrocer
   Salter Bros, copper smiths
   Bell & Anchor PH, Arthur Smith
83 & 85 Shuttleworth John, dining rooms
87 Hilliard Arth Chas, coffee rooms

[33] Eastwood Road, North Woolwich Road, south of Victoria dock
    St Barnabas Mission Church
   Jones rev Ansell, missionary clergyman(St Barnabas parsonage)

[34] Edward Street, 3 Morgan Street to Ingal Road
7 Smith Charles, cow keeper
... here is Alexandra Street ...

43 Taylor Miss fanny, pianoforte teacher
46 Jackson Jn Thos, cycle agent

[36] Edwin Street, 60 Beckton Road
Hayden Frdk Thos, beer retailer
2 Kemp Geo, carpenter & joiner

[37] Emily Street, 38 Nelson Street
14 Sutton George, plumber
24 Sweetenham Wm, shopkeeper
   Queensland Chambers, lodging house

[38] Ernest Road, 73 Hermit Road
13 Woolnar Mrs maria, dress maker

[39] Ethel Road, Victoria docks, near Custom House station
26 Thomson John Henderson
   St Matthews Mission church
   Sprigg Rev Charles F, MA (Clergy House)
33 Malt Robert, tobacconist

[40] Fisher Street, 29 Beckton Road
1 Stokes Thos Hy, tobacconist
3 Fletcher John, confectioner
5 Gray William, dairy
7 Weaver Wm T, oil warehouse
2 Grimstead Robert, shopkeeper
4 Folkard Sam, shopkeeper

[41] Florence Street, Hermit Road
1 Ellis Thomas, builder
51 Green Henry, coal dealer

[42] Ford Street, Shirley Street
1 Griffiths William, shopkeeper
29 Eldred Mrs Rose, farrier

South side
4 Remnant Charles, baker
8 Turner Harry, shopkeeper
12 Fowler Mrs Jane, dress maker
20 Tugwell Samuel, beer retailer

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